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Press Room Newspaper library Culture and Historical heritage Strong presence of island schools in “A parliament for everyone” awards

Strong presence of island schools in “A parliament for everyone” awards

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This morning awards were distributed to winners of the IX drawing contest and the VI written expression contest, both part of “Un parlament per a tots i totes” (A parliament for everyone), an event which organises a yearly Parliament between year six primary students in the Balearics. The stage for the course of events was none other than the Municipal Cultural Hall of Formentera.

The event was headed by the president of Parliament, Margalida Durán, herself joined by the vice president and councilor of Education, Culture and Patrimony of the Formentera Council, Sònia Cardona, by the territorial delegate of the Govern here on Formentera, José Alcaraz, and by the director of Education of Eivissa and Formentera, Daniel Ferrer.

Participation in this year's edition of the event, organised by the Chamber with the support of the Department of Education, Culture and Universities of the Govern Balear, consisted in producing a drawn representation of the functions and organisation of the Parliament, creating a slogan to accompany the drawing and producing an essay guided by the theme “Values and Parliament”.

Information on the competitions was given at the beginning of the school year to all year six primary students in all the schools across the Balearic Islands, and the call to participate was eagerly met by schools, teachers and students alike, making it the school competition in the Balearics with the highest level of participation: 3,521 submissions, both drawings and essays, were received from 74 schools.

Award categories
The Formentera centres that participated were: CEIP El Pilar, CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu and CEIP Sant Ferran. The Formentera first place drawing prize was awarded to Arian Riera López, from CEIP El Pilar de la Mola, while the Eivissa first place essay winner was Carla Torres Seguí, from CP Sant Ferran de ses Roques. All the students in attendance received giveaway prizes just for participating. The winning drawings and essays will appear in the following, 2014 edition of the Parliament calendar.

Formentera Awards
Formentera first place winner
Student: Arian Riera López
Centre: CEIP El Pilar de la Mola

Formentera second place winner
Student: Paula Mayans Ferrer
Centre: CP Mestre Lluís Andreu

Formentera third place winner
Student: Gabriela Bittewcourt Sfeir
Centre: CEIP El Pilar de la Mola

Formentera first place winner
Student: Carla Torres Seguí
Centre: CP Sant Ferran de ses Roques

Formentera second place winner
Student: Miquel Tur Torres
Centre: CP Mestre Lluís Andreu

Formentera third place winner
Student: Raúl Verdera Ferrer
Centre: CEIP Sant Ferran de ses Roques


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