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Academic council renews directive, begins 2015 calendar of meetings

nensTomorrow, 28 January, at 7:30pm a meeting will be held by the Consell Escolar de Formentera (Formentera academic council). The council, which handles affairs concerning education on the island and recently renewed the group's own guiding directive, will gather at the Council's hall of culture beside the Marià Villangómez in Sant Francesc.

The CEF is an advisory entity that permits participation in the general educational (though non-university) programme on the island. Their goal is to improve the quality of learning and ensure that the educational needs and rights of Formentera's children are respected.

President of the academic council, Raquel Guasch Ferrer, also fulfils the role of director of Formentera's secondary school, IES Marc Ferrer. The vice-president of the academic council is Teresa Costa Castelló, who herself stands as director of the Sant Ferran primary school.

The remaining portion of the advisory council is composed of local teachers, parents, students, non-docent staff, union workers and representatives of other associations involved in education. The Govern Balear plays a role in the entity as well, with Palma's delegate in Formentera – José Alcaraz – and the Formentera Council's councillor of education and culture – Sònia Cardona – also taking part.

Among the council's capacities and functions are participation in the educational map of the island – where schools are to be placed and which educational centres need remodelling. They also include decisions about how to provide transport to and from school, how academic centres might better integrate (both at the social and cultural level) into the surrounding community, and any other issue related to educational needs that are specific to Formentera.