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Regulació Estany des Peix

CiF, Obra Cultural extend accord

conveni ocb120515 2The Formentera Council and Obra Cultural renewed the 2011 accord specifying the nature of collaboration between the two institutions.

President Jaume Ferrer and councillor of culture Sònia Cardona attended as representatives of the Formentera Island Council, while Isidor Torres was on hand to represent the Formentera chapter of the Obra Cultural Balear. That group's president, Raquel Guasch, regretted that professional obligations prevented her attendance.  

The deal assures €7,000 in funding for the group Obra Cultural Balear. With this money, the group programmes cultural events and provides counsel to the local administration.

Jaume Ferrer reminded those in the crowd at the signing of the score of other collaborative efforts between Obra Cultural Balear and the Council, such as counsel vis-à-vis the symbols used by the administration as well as local nomenclature.

Isidor Torres affirmed: “Our goal at Obra Cultura is for the people who live here to know and love it. This is how we can preserve the current character of Formentera”.

Sònia Cardona, councillor of culture, congratulated Obra Cultural for their “long history of quality scientific and technical counsel. The reports they provide are used for the declarations of béns d'interès cultural ('cultural heritage sites') like the one that was recently made regarding the es Campament site in la Savina”.


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