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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Urbanism and Territory planning In cross-party effort, local reps draft talking points for work with Govern Balear

In cross-party effort, local reps draft talking points for work with Govern Balear

juntadeportaveusThis morning the CiF Junta de Portaveus (“board of spokespersons”), which comprises voices from every political party with representation in the Formentera Council as well as administration president Jaume Ferrer, assembled at Council offices to formulate a list of fifteen discussion topics to put on the table with the Govern Balear this legislative session.

As the CiF president explained in a joint press conference attended by all of the island's political parties, “these are our priority projects on the island, agreed upon and voted for by all, because they are issues that transcend party politics”.

Timeline of action
The goal is to establish a timeline that can be used by the organisations funding the actions. For that reason, Junta participants agreed to send the Govern Balear the document—expected to receive unanimous approval at the coming Consell de Formentera plenary session—and also deliver it in person to Govern Balear president Francina Armengol upon her next visit to the island.

The document drafted by the Junta de Portaveus is divided into three parts:

   1. Town-and-country planning improvement projects and territorial improvements

Clean and restructure Estany des Peix lake: Oversee improvements to reflect the important environmental role of the lake, regulate lakeside moorage and create a waterside path to serve as a new frontispiece for the town of la Savina.

Lower irrigation levels and attain proper functioning of water purification plant and effluent drainage pipe: Put in place secondary system of water purification and obtain water that is apt for agricultural use.

Reclaim and restore ses Salines: Construct an interpretive centre for ses Salines, return cultural interest sites found within ses Salines park to their original state and create a network of trails for walkers and cyclists, putting the historical and aesthetic value of the park within the reach of an ever broader community through informational plaques on existing flora and fauna.

Restructure la Savina port: Streamline the day-to-day administration, security and port services in place in la Savina, without necessarily adding to their scale.

   2. Improvements to regulation and funding

Regulate moorage along entire island coast: Put in place a plan to regulate moorage long the entirety of the Formentera coastline.

Transfer authority on promotion of tourism: Re-establish negotiations to endow Formentera with the resources necessary to overseeing its own tourist promotion.

Enable the local Formentera administration to set and administer an entry tax on vehicles: Establish the legal framework necessary for the island of Formentera to establish and administer a vehicle entry tax.

Agree on funding criteria: Establish criteria that are mindful of the reality on Formentera—an island with a vast and diverse territory—as opposed to funding schemes that treat Formentera as a municipality.

Regulate maritime transport: Move ahead on the regulation of maritime transport to and from Formentera, the only island in the autonomous community accessible by sea alone.

New island councils law: Demand of the Govern a newly-drafted island councils law, in the absence of a new law specific to the Formentera Council.

   3. Improvements to island services

Begin operations at new schools of Sant Ferran: Ensure a coordinated construction of the two Sant Ferran learning centres and transfer learning activity from southern to northern edge of town, freeing up space at former school zone for improvements to cultural programming and services in the town of Sant Ferran.

Create a comprehensive care centre for residents over 50: Convert the current day centre into a model centre of comprehensive care for people over 50, offering services from home meal delivery, laundry and podiatry to sporadic or regular overnight stays.

Promote housing rentals: Campaign for Formentera's inclusion into the scope of an already-existing entity working to promote and facilitate owner-renter dialogue.

Open Museu de Formentera: Create a museum that surpasses limitations of current installations, improving access to a wealth of cultural content.

Work toward modernisation of Formentera power plant: Install third cable to guarantee electrical service and avoid use of turbine at Ca Marí station.



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