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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Culture and Historical heritage From October, es Pi des Català tower open Saturday mornings

From October, es Pi des Català tower open Saturday mornings

torre pi catala3In response to the positive reaction of tourists and residents to this summer’s opening of the es Pi des Català tower to visits, the office of patrimony of the Formentera Council has decided to extend public opening hours for the landmark through the autumn and winter months. Hence, CiF councillor of patrimony Susana Labrador related that from this weekend, the visiting hours at la torre des Pi des Català will be every Saturday, 10 am to 1 pm.

Following restoration of the site, regular visiting hours were established for the tower starting 30 July 2015. That timetable – Thursdays from 5–7 pm – was maintained through 24 September, during which time the monument received a total of 282 visits. If we add to this figure the uncounted number of attendants at the Council’s open house 26 July, the participants on a trip to the monument organised by the Comissió de Festes de Santa Maria (9 August) and visits from students of this year’s summer school programme, the number is even greater.

First tower with access to inner chambers
The tower’s recent restoration made it the first such landmark allowing guest access to the inner chambers. The monument is declared a cultural interest site (or BIC, for Bé d’Interès Cultural) and receives level A protection in Formentera’s catalogue of cultural patrimony. It was ceded – at no cost – to the Formentera Council by the state in May 2012 in accordance with the requirements set out by the public administration patrimony law.

One of the four main defence towers found on the island of Formentera, es Pi des Català defence tower was, along with the three other towers, erected between 1762 and 1763 in strategic locations determined by Francisco de Paula Bucarelli y Ursúa, the then general captain of the Balearic Islands. The project was carried out under the guidance of military engineer José García Martínez. The constructions were used both for defence and –as was most often the case– surveillance until 1867.


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