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Areas Social action Education Formentera welcomes linguist Carme Junyent for talk on Catalan and inclusive language

Formentera welcomes linguist Carme Junyent for talk on Catalan and inclusive language

The Language Advisory Service of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that Carme Junyent will give a talk titled "Catalan in 2022: Current perspectives, challenges and the question of inclusive language" at 7.30pm Thursday 5 May in the Consell de Formentera auditorium next to the Formentera Day Centre (Centre de Dia de Formentera). The lecture is open and reservations are not required.

Junyent is a professor of linguistics at the University of Barcelona and a founding member of the Endangered Languages Study Group (GELA). She is the author of an extensive body of work on the diversity and current situation of the world's languages and has published works and educational articles on the distinctly timely subject of inclusive language. Junyent has edited and collaborated in works that have become bestsellers, such as El català, la llengua efervescent: 77 visions sobre el terreny (Ed. Viena, 2021), Som dones, som lingüistes, som moltes i diem prou (Eumo, 2021) and El futur del català depèn de tu (La Campana, 2020).

In March 2022, Junyet was appointed president Language Advisory Council (Consell Lingüístic Assessor), a newly created body within the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya which aims, among other things, to strengthen the use of the Catalan language in education.

27 April 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 catala

Ens trobareu a:

Directora: Esperanza Suñer Torres
Av. de Pius Tur, s/n  · 07860
Sant Francesc · Formentera
tel. 971 32 34 15 · fax 971 32 25 83





