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Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Hunting

425 turn out for 'farmers' co-op' luncheon

foto coop del camp dinar 1La Cooperativa del Camp de Formentera, the local agricultural co-operative, hosted a lunch yesterday, Sunday March 17, for their members and families and friends. All told, 425 showed up at the industrial space of the “Co-op” to enjoy an Es Forn-prepared arròs de matances and an array of signature local fare like wine, treats and café caleta.

Music at the gathering was provided by Aires Formenterencs, whom the Co-op bequeathed with three local roosters in a nod to the group's thirtieth anniversary together. Operations manager Carlos Marí welcomed Co-op members and families in attendance and thanked them for their support. CiF president Jaume Ferrer, tax office and rural affairs councillor Bartomeu Escandell and provincial rep Sílvia Tur were also on hand for the event.

On Friday, March 15 Cooperativa del Camp members gathered to communicate year-on-year numbers to members at the group's general assembly. A presentation of efforts and initiatives over the last year was conducted for the 310 members in attendance.

Consell de Formentera
Àrea de Comunicació
18 de març de 2019

Town hall-style info session on Punta de sa Creu marine reserve

foto reserva 1Yesterday at 8.00pm in la Mola's Casa del Poble, CiF presidency, tax office and rural affairs councillor Bartomeu Escandell was joined by Joan Mercant and Toni Garau, Palma's director and head of fishing, in shining light on the operating model and other details behind the new Punta de sa Creu marine reserve.

The meeting was essentially geared for residents of la Mola and es Caló, who account for the fishing site's most frequent users. The gathering was islanders' chance to hear about management of the reserve and how changes will affect professional and recreational fishermen in the area.

Formentera Council
Àrea de Comunicació
March 15, 2019

Water alliance pays visit


CiF rural affairs chief Bartomeu Escandell and environment chief Daisee Aguilera welcomed Aliança per l'Aigua coordinator Juan Calvo for a visit of the island's irrigation pond today. Also present at the event were Joan Ferrer, chair of the local Comunitat de Regants and representatives of the Tragsa company. Councillor Aguilera underlined the importance of infrastructure able to “find ways to use waste water in local fields and keep it from being dumped in Formentera's surrounding waters”. The goal, says Aguilera, is “to close the water cycle”.

Council renews partnership with farmers' co-op

foto-signatura-conveni-coopera1CiF president Jaume Ferrer and Jaume Escandell, the president of Formentera's Cooperativa del Camp (“Farmers' Co-operative”), put their signatures on a continuation of the joint action partnership between the two entities. As part of the partnership the Farmers' Co-op commits to supporting an ongoing public programme to promote the revival of local agriculture and the revaluation of the island's rural spaces and landscapes in 2019. Under the deal the Formentera Council pledges to provide the Co-op up to €115,000.

Consell de Formentera
Área de Comunicación
13 de marzo de 2019

January and February palm tree pruning months

foto tractament becutThe Formentera Council's agriculture department reminds islanders ofthe restrictions placed on pruning plant species that are susceptible to the red palm weevil, namely, palm trees. Residents are asked to limit their pruning to January and February, given these have been the coolest months in recent years.

Authorisation from agriculture office
To prune palm trees, individuals must always have the prior permission of the CiF agriculture office, the goal being to protect pruned trees from infestation and to ensure proper disposal of the garden waste generated in the process. With the green-light of the agriculture office, individuals are allowed to take waste to the local transfer plant, free of charge.

With plants that are susceptible to weevil infestation a series of precautions should be followed: prune only dry leaves; when green leaf pruning is absolutely necessary, cuts should be kept to a minimum and a scarring solution or other plant protection treatment should be applied; cuts should be clean and trunks should not be pared; and, lastly, “close shave” techniques should be avoided when pruning is ornamental (such pruning should only be applied when necessary and followed with a plant protection treatment immediately after). If any weevils are detected during pruning, contact the Council's Office of Agriculture so that the necessary steps can be followed.

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus —the insect also known as the red palm weevil which has devastated palm trees— reduces and even halts its activity altogether at low temperatures. Law 4/2016 of January 29, which establishes the need for efforts within the Balearic region to eradicate the insect and restricts palm tree pruning to the chilliest months.

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