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Areas Social action Youth

Els infants i joves de Formentera fan propostes per tenir una illa més sostenible en el Ple de la Infància i Joventut

foto 2021xi ple infanciaAvui al matí s'ha celebrat el Ple del Consell de Participació de la Infància i la Joventut de manera telemàtica. A la sessió, presidida per la presidenta del Consell de Formentera, Ana Juan, i que compta amb la vicepresidència de la consellera de Joventut, Vanessa Parellada, han participat els estudiants de les tres escoles de l'illa, CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu, CEIP Sant Ferran de ses Roques i CEIP El Pilar de la Mola, que formen part d'aquest òrgan.

La presidenta ha agraït a tots els alumnes el gran esforç que han fet des que va començar la pandèmia, i ha recordat que amb el confinament es varen suspendre les classes i quan es varen reobrir les escoles varen haver d'anar amb moltes restriccions i amb l'ús obligatòria de mascareta que encara segueix vigent. "Us volia agrair el vostre comportament exemplar, gràcies per ajudar-nos a tots a complir amb les mesures covid, ja que gràcies al bon comportament de tots, avui estam en una situació més o menys bona i esperam que puguem celebrar les festes de Nadal amb la família i amics i poder avançar per tenir una normalitat quasi com la d'abans", segons ha explicat Ana Juan.

D'altra banda, la consellera de Joventut, Vanessa Parellada, ha mostrat la seva satisfacció per celebrar el primer Ple de la Infància i Joventut amb el Parc de Patinatge en marxa, ja que era una demanda que va néixer en aquest ple. En aquest sentit, Parellada ha destacat que "des del Consell es treballa per crear nous espais i equipaments perquè els puguin fer servir els infants i joves de l'illa, com la nova escola i escoleta de Sant Ferran, o l'antiga escola, on ara s'està creant un nou Espai Cultural que també podran fer servir els joves i nens i nenes de l'illa".

A la sessió s'ha visualitzat el vídeo sobre la intervenció dels i de les representants del Consell de Participació de la Infància i la Joventut de Formentera al X Parlament Infantil celebrat el dia 19/11/2021. Tot seguit, els infants han explicat les seves demandes als responsables del Consell centrades en fer de Formentera una illa més sostenible en la que demanen que es potenciï l'ús de la bicicleta, el transport sostenible i les energies netes, entre d'altres. Els responsables del Consell han agafat nota de les seves reclamacions i han traslladat el seu compromís d' implicació.

30 de novembre de 2021
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

Formentera hosts second "Vívete: Lives inspiring lives" for island youth

foto 2021 vivete AThe Formentera Office of Youth is pleased to report that today Friday 19 November, pupils at Marc Ferrer secondary school sat for "Vivete: Lives Inspiring Lives", a conference featuring Paralympic athletes Enhamed Enhamed, Diego Ballesteros and hometown windsurfer Sergi Escandell.

Councillor of Youth Vanessa Parellada said the Consell de Formentera-backed event was about "giving young islanders models of perseverance that inspire and transform us". While the event was previously staged as a joint function between Eivissa and Formentera, this is the second Vivite to be held exclusively on Formentera and the first time local organisers opt for an in-person format.


The crowd at this year's Vívete heard from the winner of the Royal Gold Medal for Sporting Merit, Enhamed Enhamed, together with Diego Ballesteros, who wrote "12.822 km de Zaragoza a Pekin en bicicleta", an account of his experience in perseverance cycling from Spain to China in 2008. A new challenge presented itself in the form of a car accident that left Ballesteros in a wheelchair, but the athlete continued to tackle an array of sporting challenges in his quest become a Paralympian. Mateo Sanz could not attend, but the audience heard from Sanz' colleague and Spanish Windsurfing Champ Sergi Escandell.

In addition to hearing their inspiring tales of perseverance and self-improvement, attendees had the chance to converse with speakers as well. Journalist, presenter and conference M.C. Maria Roig took pains to ensure that the showcase of life stories was permeated by a dynamic of active participation between audience and speakers.

Vivete is sponsored by the Consell de Formentera with additional support from the Balearic government, Apartamentos El Puerto and Baleària.


Vívete started in 2017 as a way to leverage pre-eminent figures in the field to promote human values, empowerment and tools to help young people toward conscientious personal development.

19 November 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

What’s on this September at the Casal de Joves

cartell 2021 casal de jovesThe Formentera Office of Youth is pleased to announce the activities lined up at the Casal de Joves this September. At 5.00pm on Wednesday the first, youth can take part in a bracelet-making workshop. On Friday, it’s the end of the Casal’s course on manga illustration, and youngsters interested in Japanese comics and culture are encouraged to come out for an afternoon of videos and themed games. The week closes with a ping-pong tournament on Saturday the 4th.

Formentera Guitars for youth
A standout feature on the September calendar happens Friday the 10th with a body percussion workshop from musician Toni Mengual. No previous knowledge of music is required to take part, just a desire to feel the musical rhythm. This activity is part of the 2021 Formentera Guitars Festival. Registration is a must.

FOY chief Vanessa Parellada encouraged young people not yet familiar with the Casal to stop by and see the kind of activities on offer. The councillor called it “content to educate and strengthen people’s capacity to think critically about the world around us while considering the preferences and wishes of others”.

On Wednesday 15, Covid-19 restrictions will be enforced as cooking workshops resume for International Chocolate Day, with young people exploring the artistic potential of the popular ingredient, and taking part in learning stations to play, eat and create.

On Saturday 18, the Casal will be a place for fun and classic board games, particularly Mikado. The following Friday, the 24th, trivia buffs can sharpen their smarts by taking part in a famous video quiz game. And next day comes with a classic: a trip to the go-kart tracks in Sant Antoni. Participants must register in advance.

The Casal de Joves is open 4.00pm to 10.00pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Register for activities by emailing casal@conselldeformentera.cat. For more information, call or send a WhatsApp to 607.142.846.

31 August 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Grand opening of Sant Ferran playground

foto 2021 parc sant ferranEarlier this morning Consell de Formentera president Alejandra Ferrer and chief of the departments of youth and citizen participation Vanessa Parellada visited the new children’s play area that opened today in Sant Ferran.

President Ferrer voiced satisfaction at pulling the curtain back on a new public facility. “Sant Ferran residents have long asked for a playground”, said the local chief. “Kids across the island will be happy to know that today it’s finally a reality.”

Councillor Parellada traced funding for the park to a Consell d’Entitats-approved allocation from the island’s participatory spending programme. The idea was first tabled by Sant Ferran Parents’ Association (APIMA), which also played a key part in the playground’s design. Parellada praised APIMA members for pitching in and investing time in their community.

Located at the juncture of two Sant Ferran arterials, Carrer Guillem de Montgrí and Carrer Major, the 295.35-sq.-metre park includes a rest area with artificial grass, wooden platform with pergola and bench and play area with rubber flooring.

The €249,288 play area features a multi-game structure, swings and see-saw. Two new trees have been planted near two existing junipers in the turfed lawn area. The entire playground will be fenced in — one part with concrete blocks and stones, and the other with a wooden fence.

8 July 2021
Communications Department
Consell de Formentera

Island youth distribute posters to stop underage drinking

foto 2021 no t ofeguis CFifteen pupils of IES Marc Ferrer put up posters today as part of the Formentera Department of Social Welfare’s ‘Don’t drown in alcohol’ push to curb the sale of alcohol to youth and take aim at underage drinking.

The youth split into groups and stopped in at bars, restaurants and shops where alcohol is sold in Sant Francesc, handing out graphic materials to raise awareness about the initiative, including a poster for businesses affirming their stance against selling alcohol to minors. Shop-owners on the island have joined the push through the small- and medium-sized business association of the Formentera Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Hotels.

On 29 June, a day of training is being put together for stakeholders in underage drinking prevention. The activity will run 9.30am to 11.30am and 12 noon to 2.00pm in the assembly room of the Formentera Centre de Dia.

The training sessions are geared towards leisure time activity leaders and sports monitors. Book your spot by calling 971.321.271 or by emailing benestarsocial@conselldeformentera.cat before Monday 28 June at 2.00pm.

21 June 2021
Communications Department
Consell de Formentera

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