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Services Guide Specific Services

Psychology Services

The main objective of the Service is to assess and provide individual and group therapeutic interventions for users who need it. If the reverse is not possible to offer appropriate solutions, make the referral to the most appropriate professional to perform the operation. Also working directly with other team members facilitates the development of individualized programs to intervene directly framed within Psychology Service.
Composition: 1 psychologist
Timetable: Monday through Thursday from 9 to 14 h.

Domestic Violence Area

This is an information and advice service to women, and comprehensive care service to victims of domestic violence and gender and families and couples in conflict and/or interpersonal violence. The types of care ranging from comprehensive care and emotional support in crisis situations, psychological crisis situations, advice on social resources, accommodation and comprehensive care in emergency foster care and average length of stay for women victims of gender violence . Interprofessional coordination through referral protocols with Guardia Civil, Local Police, emergency department, Health Ib, Ib-Primary Care Health and Office of Women.
Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 to 14 h.
24h emergency number: 630 083 042

Immigration Area

The Department is a specific resousce that works on different axes, and has a rigorous commitment to the policies and actions aimed at welcoming and integrating immigrants. One of the goals is to provide individuals and institutions all necessary information relating to aliens and immigration advice and assistance in the various related procedures, in order to promote legal and social citizenship for immigrants to facilitate their integration. On the other hand works with immigrant associations, promoting the association and providing access to resources.
Composition: 1 immigration technician
Target group: Immigrant Population
Functions / Services: The Department is a specified resource to complement the resources generated by SS.SS through actions focused primarily on information and cultural mediation. This is a cross-sectional area of great technical and social complexity that focuses an important part of total claims received by the Municipal Centre of Social Services and works in coordination with other departments of the Centre.
Works on different axes, and a rigorous commitment to the policies and actions towards the reception and integration of immigrants. One of the priorities of the department is to provide individuals and institutions necessary information relating to aliens and immigration advice and assistance in the various related procedures, in order to promote legal and social citizenship for immigrants to facilitate their integration.
On the other hand works with immigrant associations, promoting the association and providing access to resources.
Schedule: Monday through Friday, from 9 to 14 h. Wednesday from 17 to 19 h.

Cooperació per al desenvolupament

El Consell Insular de Formentera realitza cooperació per al desenvolupament a través de l’organisme Fons Pitiús de Cooperació. Per més informació en la pàgina web del Fons: www.fonspitius.org

Work and Training Area

From consulting people interested in starting a business (business plan development, business process register, etc.) to the advice and spreading of financial assistance and grants for entrepreneurs, companies and associations. With regard to training, provides advice and spreading of training activities planned or underway in Formentera (owned or promoted by other entities) and are working on the training needs.
Composition: 1 occupation and local development agent
Functions / Services:
Work Area: Advice for people interested in starting a business (business plan development, business process high, etc.). Advice and dissemination of financial assistance and grants for entrepreneurs, companies and associations.
Training Area: Detection of training needs. Advice and dissemination of training activities planned or underway in Formentera (owned or promoted by other entities).
Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 14 h. Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 14 h and 17 to 20 h.


Sobre el interessos formatius de la població de Formentera

Adoption Area

This area is responsible for providing information, training and assessment of adoptive families, besides making the statement of the suitability of the applicant families and monitor the processes of adaptation of the children with their families.
Timetable: Monday through Friday from 9 to 12 h.

Estaló Project (minimum integration income)

El Projecte Estaló: Servei d’Acompanyament a l’Ocupació i Renda Mínima d’Inserció

Aquest servei es basa a fomentar l’ocupabilitat de les persones aturades en risc d’exclusió social i laboral. Es treballa amb col·lectius vulnerables: persones en situació d’atur de llarga durada, que no poden optar a cap prestació, persones que per la seva trajectòria professional, edat i sexe, pateixen dificultats per a la inserció (majors de 45 anys, dones amb càrregues familiars i joves menors de 25 anys sense graduat escolar).

El servei d’acompanyament consisteix a oferir les eines necessàries, identificar i potenciar les competències de cada usuari per tal de construir un projecte personal i professional, mitjançant l’articulació d’accions ocupacionals que combinen mesures de diferent naturalesa (informació, orientació, motivació, formació, pràctica laboral, derivació i coordinació amb altres recursos sociolaborals, acompanyament a la formació i inserció). Tot això es realitza amb un seguiment i suport molt proper i individualitzat amb cada usuari, per part de la tècnica i durant tot el procés d’inserció laboral.

La finalitat del Projecte Estaló és assolir la reinserció social i la incorporació d’aquestes persones al mercat laboral.

L’horari d’atenció al públic és:
Dilluns, dimecres i divendres de 09 a 14 h

Dimarts i dijous de 10 a 13 h i de 17 a 19 h

Adreça electrònica: rmi@conselldeformentera.cat

Si voleu més informació podeu llegir l’article “El Projecte Estaló i la RMI a Formentera” publicat pel Govern Balear, a la Revista d’Afers Socials núm. 06 al maig de 2011

Volunteer Area

Volunteering is the set of activities aimed at the satisfaction of general interest, developed by individuals, provided that the activities are not conducted within an employment relationship, civil service, commercial or otherwise, paid or derived from a legal and also meet certain requirements.
People aiming to belong to voluntary work have to be, in any event, seniors and pass a screening phase to determine the availability and level of their personal and academic training. The areas are helping elderly, disabled, children at risk, leisure and free time, etc.
Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 to 14 h.




apneef 2018
