According to CiF president Jaume Ferrer, the presidential cabinet office of the Formentera Council authored and sent a letter to Govern Balear president Francina Armengol earlier this morning in which the Council reiterated the content of a message approved at last November's plenary session: “Remove the name of Jaume Matas i Palou from any commemorative or inaugural plaques that might be found at locales, buildings or any other publicly-owned spaces”.
That message was expedited to the presidential office of the Govern de les Illes Balears last December, though, if the Council has seen fit to redress the petition with the new Palma president, Ferrer explained it was because “we've yet to receive any news concerning the matter and no action has been witnessed”.
On 28 November 2014, a unanimous “yes” was given to a motion presented by Gent per Formentera and PSOE. The measure called for urging the autonomous government to take down any plaque including the name of Jaume Matas, the embattled ex-president of the Balearic Islands who has been found guilty of fraud during his term in office.