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Coco Esteve's Veiled, Speed Structure at Old Town Hall exhibition gallery

cocoesteveVeiled, Speed Structure, a new collection of work by Coco Esteve, opened this week at the sala d'exposicions (exhibition gallery) of the Old Town Hall in Sant Francesc. For three years, the Alcoi-born artist has had a number of lengthy stints on Formentera, periods during which she produced a set of work tackling the speed of the island's characteristic landscape and the swiftly-moving change that marks it. As Esteve explained, “they are abstract paintings that couldn't have been framed in rectangular structures, or even in time”. The exhibition can be visited through 29 August, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday at the exhibition hall of the Old Town Hall (l'Ajuntament Vell).

CiF-Baleària accord on transport to Festa Intercultural

conveni CIF Bal 110815 1The CiF (Consell Insular de Formentera) and Baleària transport company have signed a funding agreement aimed at providing transport during to la Festa Intercultural, a celebration of diversity and local communities. The initiative was made official today despite the fact that the celebration itself took place earlier this year on 18 and 19 April.

Council president Jaume Ferrer, councillor of  social welfare Vanessa Parellada, director of Fundació Baleària Ricard Pérez Ivars and Baleària's Eivissa-Formentera representative Joan Serra all put their signatures on the deal, which promises €1,400 for the Festa.

President Ferrer thanked his counterparts for their efforts securing the arrangement—in place since 2011—and noted the “pivotal function” it holds in the organisation of the festival, an event that he called “a catalyst for contact and understanding between the different groups, associations and cultures on our island”.

Fundació Baleària director Ricard Pérez Ivars said the agreement was “very important because it enables us to bring together groups that are sharing a living space”. Pérez also indicated his foundation planned to continue its support in the coming years.

In the words of Councillor Vanessa Parellada: “The Festa Intercultural is proof of the wealth of cultures that we've got on the island”.

For his part, Joan Serra, representative of the Baleària shipping company, explained his company's near five-year collaboration with the Formentera Council, mainly for the Festa. “Connecting places and transporting people of all religions, beliefs and origins is important to us,” he explained. “This festival is the perfect example”.

Watercolour exhibition Las raíces del movimiento at Centre Gabrielet

aubrun1French artist Julie Aubrun's exhibition Las raíces del movimiento (“the roots of movement”) is a culling of works in watercolour on view through 19 August at Centre Antoni Tur “Gabrielet” in Sant Francesc. In the words of the artist, the collection is “formed of personalities and natural elements encountered on Formentera. The exhibition lays bare the body language employed by these individuals and that of the island's landscapes”.

Tierra, mar y viento
The installation is divided up into into three different elements: la tierra (earth), el mar (sea) and el viento (wind). The artist, who lays her head in Barcelona, journeyed to Formentera four years ago in the middle of winter and, ever since, has returned in quest of inspiration. Her work can be visited between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and 5 and 8:30 p.m. seven days a week.

Oceànica exhibition on view at old town hall gallery

nieves-posidoniaYesterday, Monday 3 August a throng of art-lovers celebrated the opening of Nieves López-Nilo's Oceànica installation. Born in León, for years López-Nilo has kept a hat in France and her espardenyes on Formentera. The large format photo exhibition renders homage to the posidònia seagrass for which the artist professes a deep love. She captures the movement and colour of the marine plant that contrast so patently with the blue of the surrounding water. The gathering of prints is on view at the exhibition hall of the ajuntament vell through next 14 August, mornings 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and afternoons 7 to 9 p.m.

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