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Council publishes book of vintage snapshots by Pere Català i Roca

jaume zaragozaThe Formentera Council's office of culture and patrimony has published Viatge a Formentera, a collection of time-worn prints taken from the catalogue of photograph Pere Català i Roca. To mark the occasion, a release party is scheduled for next Thursday 11 June at 8:30 p.m. in the exhibition hall of the old town hall ('Ajuntament Vell').

The evening will be emcee'd by Miquel Costa and Rafael Dalmau. On display in the exhibition hall 8-20 June is a selection of images from Viatges. The showing is open to the public from Monday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

In the words of culture councillor Sònia Cardona, the images “represent an important moment in this island's history. Evidence appears to indicate they correspond to Català i Roca's 1950 visit to Formentera—his second—and one that preceded the boom in tourism”.

Santi Ramírez and Gustavo Rojo join ranks of summer concert series musicians

jazz 2Back in town starting this Saturday, 13 June, are the weekly Jazz a la plaça concerts that have become a fixture in summertime cultural programming on Formentera. The concerts, which run from ten in the evening to one in the morning at the plaça de la Constitució, continue through the middle of September.

Topping the list of changes is the incorporation into Jazz&Co—which started the concert series in July of 1994—of two new musicians: Santi Ramírez and Gustavo Rojo.

A native of the mainland city Xàtiva, trumpeter Santi Ramírez received his musical education at Sedajazz and cut his teeth playing with classical music orchestra and jazz bands. Argentina-born Gustavo Rojo has played the baritone saxophone across Spain and in a slew of international festivals.

Beyond the addition Ramírez and Rojo, the rest of the Jazz&Co line-up—Vicent Roselló  on bass, Enrique González on guitar, Bruce Gartell on drums and Toni Gartell on bugle and violin—remains unchanged.

Formentera music school to launch municipal band

pianista escola musicaThe Escola de Música i Dansa de Formentera is wrapping up preparations to create the island's first municipal music group. The founding of the group tops the list of changes at the music school and conservatory for the 2015-2016 calendar, and—as the school's director Iván Mérgola explained—would entail “the Formentera Council's acquisition of a supply of instruments like saxophones, trombones, trumpets, whirlwinds and tubas and then providing them on loan to whomever wishes to join the municipal band”.

In addition to receiving a learning plan specific to the particular instrument chosen, students (who, as school director Iván Mérgola clarifies, “need no previous musical experience”) will also receive an hour of music theory instruction per week.

The initial stage of enrolment ('preinscripció') is already open and all applications will be accepted through 4 July. Applications will be collected and processed at the Citizens' Information Office (OAC) in Sant Francesc. The application form is available for download on the Escola de Música website (escolamusica.conselldeformentera.cat).

Workshops for kids and state-recognised studies for all

Pre-enrolment—a mandatory part of the sign-up process—concerns registration for young children into any of the workshops included in the School of Music and Dance catalogue, composed of three highly-successful activities. The traditional music workshop, given by Xumeu Joan, is the opportunity for learners of all ages to try their hands at drums, castañuelas, flute or the espasí. Also available are the initiation to music workshop for children aged six to eight and an initiation to dance, for ages three to seven.

Besides attending workshops, students of the music school can pursue state-recognised studies at any age. There are currently 140 people enrolled at the Escola de Música i Dansa.

Year-end festival

Next Saturday at eight in the evening, the music and dance school will host its end of the year festivities. The event is an opportunity for students of the Escola to share with the public their progress made since September.

Formentera Jazz Festival puts on round table discussion, singing and percussion workshop for kids

frm jazz1The Formentera Jazz Festival—an event sure to fill the plazas of Sant Francesc with music fans and other obliging onlookers the evenings of 5 and 6 June, before blowing the island's collective socks off with a June 7th jam session at the Migjorn beach Blue Bar—also has first-class programming on deck for the morning crowds in town on Friday and Saturday.

Round table discussion of jazz and music

Friday 12 noon at the town cinema, Formentera Jazz Festival director Max Moya, musician and professor at Sedajazz musical collective Alezey León Reyes and—director of Menorca's Festival Pronóstica—Ulises Pistolo, will host an event that is part opening ceremony part musical debate.

Kids percussion workshop

Saturday morning at 11 a.m., Max Moya and Mel Semé invite children across the island to el Jardí de ses Eres (Sant Francesc) for a workshop that focuses both on singing and percussion. Through games and other play-based activities, organisers hope to turn on Formentera's youngest to the world of music.

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