Council and la Mola seniors group sign partnership

Foto conveni centre majorsFormentera's Office of Social Welfare reports that administration officials met today with representatives of the senior-citizens group in la Mola to sign a new pact for 2018. The agreement, which sets out the details of the Council's lease of la Mola's administrative and cultural complex la Casa del Poble to the Associació de Majors del Pilar, involves how the space is used and the activities there funded.

Under the agreement, the €30,000 the seniors' group receives from the Council will fund the Casa del Poble's maintenance and services along with costs of promoting and managing activities for local groups and the nearby community in 2018.

The Associació de Majors hasn't just got deep roots in la Mola, it is a not-for-profit group which, since its founding, has played a de facto role as driver of cultural and social events promoting community in the neighbourhood. The Council began officially entrusting the group with those functions in 2016.

Included in the agreement are a space for the Associació's own use as well as a multipurpose hall where local associations can congregate, hold conferences, talks, small-scale concerts and other activities.

Members of the Associació will have keys to the Casa del Poble's computer lab and Council office. Though not included in the lease agreement, the Associació can facilitate their access and use to the Casa del Poble's visitors.

Describing the atmosphere at the Casa del Poble as “enriching for all involved”, Council president Jaume Ferrer highlighted the Associació's role in recent years “driving a vibrant social and cultural atmosphere in la Mola”and “putting the Casa del Poble on the map in terms of local programming and turning it into a meeting place for diverse segments of the population”.

Administration and coordination at the Casa del Poble are the remit of the Formentera Island Council. These are overseen by the appropriate department in line with the associated regulation.