Formentera passes 2019 budget

foto 2018 ple nov 1As the full Formentera Council gathered on Friday for the administration's November assembly, one of the session's standout features was a stamp of initial approval for the Council's 2019 budget.

The almost €30.2 million budget passed with “yes” votes from Gent per Formentera and despite PSOE abstention and “no”s from PP and Compromís party members.

Tax office councillor Bartomeu Escandell called the figures for 2019 “balanced and realistic”. “This budget is built around improvement initiatives for our island and towns. The current focus of infrastructure investment is on transformational change in Sant Ferran, but la Savina and es Pujols are at the fore too”. The councillor highlighted construction already under way on Formentera's senior-living residence as well as the soon-to-be completed funeral parlour—which, as Escandell offered, “together with the dependent care facility and hospital, means our endowment of health and human services now promises something we've talked about on Formentera for years: the freedom to be born and die here on the island, and to live out one's years with dignity.

Other measures

The session also brought resolution for a suit with the local delegation of the central government involving approval of the Council's offering of public employment, set to enter in force next year. The motion passed by unanimous consent.

Another object of cross-party support was the devolution of control over gender and LGTBI policy. The same goes, despite PP abstention, for a set of proposed representations from UTE GIREF, which operates Eivissa's Ca Na Putxa, concerning a deal on investment at the waste and organic matter processing plant.

The close of the assembly came with the reading of the administration's manifesto on violence against women, and an intervention from Sònia Cardona, whose words for the assembly touched on initiatives developed from within the department of citizen participation under her direction in 2018, as well as transparency and good governance.