FiC takes proposal for La Savina parking to Consell d'Entitats

JaumeFerrer 220814Formentera Council president Jaume Ferrer announced today that toward the end of summer – “most likely the second half of September or the first week of October” – Council staff will have finished their technical proposal for regulating parking in La Savina.

President Ferrer indicated that the Council intended to unveil the plans before Formentera's own Consell d'Entitats (Council of Entities). Composed of different island groups and associations, the Consell aims to promote resident involvement in local affairs by acting as an advisory board on specific issues.

According to Ferrer, “it was important for us to come before the Consell with specific proposals. From the time assurance was given regarding Council-management of the formerly Port Authority-controlled parking in La Savina, our technical staff has been drafting proposals. The Consell d'Entitats will be the place these proposals are rolled out.”

The temporary power transfer to which Ferrer referred was the crux of a recently-signed joint accord between Balearic Port Authority president Alberto Pons and Formentera Council president Ferrer. Under the terms of the deal, the Formentera Council will manage parking in La Savina's port zone from 1 January to 31 December 2015, and in return, the Port Authority will receive €36,623.

A total of 3,438 square metres will come under Council control, or 283 parking spaces. Specifically, this includes any parking spaces located within the Marina complex, within the first row of parking spaces lining the harbour itself, and any spaces located inside La Savina's designated 'port zone'.

As part of the deal struck by Port Authority and the Council, parking spaces used by car hire agencies along La Savina's western shoreline will not be managed by the Council until construction of the new harbour parking building – scheduled for the end of the 2014 summer season – is finished. When that building is complete, it will serve as storage for the rental car fleets of these agencies and thus free up the rows of parking along the western shoreline, the management of which will then become authority of the Council.

The joint accord states that management of the 283 parking spaces will be regulated by a still undetermined parking ordinance, to be drafted and approved by the Formentera Council. If the Council opts for a fee-based system of parking, any new equipment acquisitions and staff will be the sole responsibility of the Council. Likewise, any earnings will be the Council's own.

President Ferrer stated: “With this accord we've had the opportunity to completely rethink parking in La Savina. [And this] without separating the town – whose governance is authority of the Council – from the port – jurisdiction of the Port Authority. It will make possible improved solutions for a problem that many view as one of the most pressing on the island.”