Finishing touches put on pioneer safety project for geolocalisation of rural dwellings

plaques foto2 180115This morning, Formentera Council President Jaume Ferrer, councillor of town planning and territory Bartomeu Escandell, and Gavi Technology employees Xavier Vila and Xavier Torres met before an audience to announce completion of the project to assign numbers and record the location of 3,600 homes and 1,000 points of interest on the island of Formentera.

Aimed essentially at “improving safety”, Ferrer explained to the crowd at the Council hall that the project “attributes all dwellings located outside of urban areas with a number that also doubles as an emergency code”. Using the numeric code, 112 emergency services will be able to immediately communicate details of urgent situations to ambulance services, local police, civil protection forces or firefighters. The same response service will also receive information about the ideal route to take to arrive on location.

Councillor Escandell explained: “This project is the culmination of serious work carried out throughout Formentera's rural areas. The Council has been behind this project since 2008 and we're proud to announce that the first half of the month we'll be getting plaques up on house walls”.

Xavier Vila, employee of the company that was awarded the geolocalisation contract, affirmed: “A project like this is really without precedent; it holds untold possibilities. Whether it's putting out a call to dispatch an ambulance or evacuate a part of the island effected by wildfire, the geolocalisation service will permit that this be done in a matter of seconds”. Vila also indicated an array of possible applications in tourism.

Council president Ferrer reminded those in attendance that installation of the plaques was free and requested the collaboration of the local population - “information requests by technicians could involve fast access routes or mobile phone numbers that can be used in case of emergency. The greater our collaboration in this endeavour, the more reliable and effective the database will become”.

The project to implement the geolocalisation system and create the corresponding database carried a total cost of €183,000.