Formentera gives its answer on petroleum exploration: NO

2 February, day of massive signature collections

noprospeccions web

The Formentera Island Council is in the midst of coordinating a day-long event for next Sunday, 2 February, to collect signatures from individuals opposing petroleum exploration plans on the Gulf of Valencia and off the west coast of the Pitiüsa Islands.

With the 10 February deadline for representations and counter-positions approaching, the Council deemed an informational campaign to be the most appropriate way to gather support. By choosing a Sunday, organisers hope to coincide with individuals whose normal schedules make contact difficult.

Antena Libre and several DJs from the island will be on hand to provide music for the event, selflessly agreeing to collaborate at no cost in order to ensure a vibrant atmosphere and maximum turn-out for the event.

The day of petitioning is just one of the actions being coordinated by the Formentera Island Council in order to stop petrol prospecting in the Balearics. A recent report by the Council submitted as evidence for the environmental impact study currently underway asserted that plans for petroleum exploration had neglected to consider a slew of risks. According to the report, conservation efforts for numerous habitats and species listed as either 'priority' or 'protected' by Spanish bird and wildlife legislation would be seriously undermined by the proposed exploration activity. The report also called into question the seismic surveying required by plans on the basis that such surveying would translate into heavy losses for both tourism and fishing in the islands.  

Plenary meetings of the Formentera Council have unanimously and on multiple occasions rejected the project on the grounds that it would negatively effect underwater and coastal habitats, and by extension of the resulting socioeconomic implications be disastrous to humans as well. In light of the risks associated, prospections were rejected last year on 28 June, on 26 July, and again at yesterday's (30 January) plenary session of the Council.

The clear opposition of local residents and businesses has also been reflected at Formentera's Citizen Information Office. The 'OAC', as it is known is Catalan and Castilian, has logged daily visits from residents wishing to make allegations as part of the environmental impact study, and reports that – as of today's date – 735 individuals have voiced their opposition.

Formentera says 'NO'
Sunday, 2 February
Plaça de la Constitució
4 pm to 8 pm