Formentera Council takes La Savina to the Council of Entities

consell entitatsNext month, the Formentera Council will set in motion a programme called “La Savina al Consell d'Entitats”. The idea is simple: convene three sessions of the Council of Entities over a one month period, tackling in each of the three sessions issues that have become important in Formentera at large and in the town of La Savina in particular.

This morning, Jaume Ferrer, president of the Formentera Council, Sergio Jiménez, councillor of community involvement and president of the Council of Entities and Toni Mayans, vice-president of the Council of Entities announced details regarding a three-session programme that kicks off 15 September and closes 20 October in the Council's Cultural Hall.

At the head of the list, the 15 September session will address the Council's parking proposal in La Savina. That evening, report-backs will be given on the chief problems in La Savina as identified by the local associations that comprise the Council of Entities. After a revision of these contributions, official account will be given of the recently-signed accord between Port Authority and the Formentera Council that confers the latter with oversight of parking in the port. The final portion of this first session will be dedicated to outlining the work methods and criteria used by Council staff while drafting the parking proposal.

Formentera Council president Jaume Ferrer's participation in this first session will serve to clarify details surrounding the Port Authority accord. To this same end, Rafa Gonzàlez, a technical advisor of the Formentera Council, and Alfons Segura, transportation specialist and consultant to the Council, will also be present.

The second session, scheduled for 29 September, carries the subheading “Legal framework, redistribution of power and using the experiences of other municipalities toward regulating entry of vehicles into Formentera”. The goal is to shed light on the possibilities and different public administrations in existence that could potentially assist in reducing the number of vehicles entering the island. Outside technical specialist and engineer of roads and ports Jordi Singla and returning specialist Segura will speak about examples of traffic control in other municipalities.

The third and final session, on 20 October, entitled “La Savina, town and port. A comprehensive vision”. At this juncture, a full list of participants – Joan Alomar, architect and town-planner; Carmen Largacha, architect and landscaper and Marcos Rodríguez, town-planner and specialist in territorial land-use planning – will offer their perspectives on reconciling La Savina's qualities as both point of exit and entry and a pleasant place to live for residents.