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Moves, maintenance and repairs at Formentera schools

foto 2021 manteniment escoles AThe Formentera Offices of Education and Island Services are pleased to report that, based on requests from school administrative teams, parents' associations and student councils, assorted upkeep has been completed in local schools ahead of the return to classrooms this September. In recent weeks the Formentera Office of Island Services maintenance brigade has helped teachers and administrators at the Sant Ferran school and Escoleta des Camí Vell relocate to new buildings, and a cleaning company was brought in this summer to get everything ready for the start of the school year.

See below for an overview of operations:

CEIP Sant Ferran
New storage units were added to the primary school playground and a pergola was put up in the infant playground. The infant playground features material repurposed from the previous setup, and crews assisted with the move.

CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu
Crews cleaned; applied fresh coats of paint to the school’s façade and exterior enclosure wall; trimmed vegetation; replaced tiles; performed upkeep on outside railings and outdoor port-a-potty; did light repairs on a goal-post and basketball hoop in the upper playground; repaired and repositioned outdoor lighting installations.

CEIP El Pilar de la Mola
In La Mola, crews touched up paint indoors and out; checked and repaired segments of fencing; cleaned and performed prep work in the garden; painted the P.E. shed and replaced separation ropes in the outdoor courtyard. Additional plans are in place to replace sink taps in infant restrooms.

Escoleta Sa Miranda
At Sa Miranda, classrooms and corridors have been painted, mosquito nets and awnings replaced and wooden fences around playgrounds repaired.

New Sant Ferran school
Crews helped move materials and set up the new centre.

Cleaning has also been done at all the schools ahead of children’s return to classrooms.

9 September 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera