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Areas Social action Education Back in session this Friday: university for seniors

Back in session this Friday: university for seniors

mini totsThe Universitat per a Majors project, backed by the Universitat de les Illes Balears, the Govern Balear, the Formentera Council and l'Obra Social de la Caixa, is returning to Formentera. This Friday, 8 May, at five p.m. in the Sant Ferran social centre, a conference entitled “Cants de tradició oral a Eivissa i Formentera” ('Orally-transmitted traditional song in Eivissa and Formentera'), imparted by Dr Jaume Escandell, will kick off the lecture series.

One of the paramount ideas behind the conference series – which will make stops in Sant Francesc, Sant Ferran and La Mola – is that learning never stops. The 5-6:30 p.m. slot will remain unchanged throughout the series, whose next appearance will come to pass 22 May at the La Mola senior centre with a conference by Dr Olga Cardona, “El que s'ha de saber de les herències” ('Understanding inheritance'). The following week, 29 May, Dr Jaume Vadell will speak in Sant Francesc on “Agricultura Ecològica”.

In June, Josep L. Joan will host a talk in Sant Ferran on “Les tradicions rurals d'ahir: llavors de futur per al camp d'Eivissa i Formentera” ('Bygone rural traditions: seeds of the future for the Eivissa-Formentera countryside') [19 June], the last conference before breaking for the summer heat. The series will start up again in September, when children head back to the classroom too. 18 September, in Sant Francesc, José M. Escalona will lead a lecture titled “El vi saludable” ('Healthy wine').

Two different talks are on the agenda in October: on the 2nd in Sant Ferran, “Els topònims de Formentera al llarg de la història de la cartografia” ('Formentera toponyms throughout the history of cartography') , led by Josep A. Prats. And then, having kicked things off in May, on 23 October Dr Jaume Escandell will be back in Sant Francesc to lead the final talk, “Músiques instrumentals de transmissió oral a les Pitiüses” ('Orally-transmitted instrumental music in the Pitiüsa islands'). All of the conferences are open to the public.

Ens trobareu a:

Directora: Esperanza Suñer Torres
Av. de Pius Tur, s/n  · 07860
Sant Francesc · Formentera
tel. 971 32 34 15 · fax 971 32 25 83





