Basic Functions: Control and monitoring
(a) Local authorities shall act in the extent and effects are determined in the following articles in internal control over their economic management of the Autonomous Bodies and Corporations subject to them in the triple sense of comptroller function, financial control function and control function effectively.
(b) The function shall be to oversee all actions of local authorities and their autonomous bodies that lead to the recognition and clearance of rights and obligations and costs of economic content, the receipts and payments arising from them and the collection, investment and implementation, in general, of public funds given to the management complies with the provisions applicable in each case.
The exercise of that role include:
The critical intervention or prior to any act, document or record which may create rights or obligations of a financial or equity fund movement.
The formal involvement of the organization of payment.
The intervention material payment.
Intervention and investment material testing and implementation of grants.
(c) In the exercise of the comptroller function body controller must make their objections in writing prior to the adoption of the agreement or decision if it disagreed with the substance or the form of acts, documents or files examined.
(d) The financial control in order to verify the operation in the economic-financial aspect of the services of local authorities, its Autonomous Bodies and Corporations subject to them.
(e) This control shall be to report on the fair presentation of financial information, compliance with standards and guidelines that are applicable and the degree of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving its objectives.
(f) Financial control and audit procedures performed in accordance with auditing standards of the Public Sector.
(g) As a result of the check will be required to give written report stating that all the observations and conclusions can be derived of his examination. The reports, together with the arguments made by the institution being audited, will be sent to the House for consideration.
(h) Effective control will be to ascertain compliance periodically the objectives and the operating cost analysis and performance of the respective services or investments.
Urbanism and territory, Tourism and Economic activities
Urbanism and Territory planning
Infrastructures and services
Tourism planning and Economic activities