This evening at 8.00pm the Centre Antoni Tur Gabrielet was the scene of a presentation of the Pla de Valors Esportius, a plan laying out good values in sport hatched by the Formentera Council and the Govern Balear. Attendants included CiF president Jaume Ferrer, sports councillor Jordi Vidal, the Govern's minister of sport Ruth Mateu, that department's chair, Carles Gonyalons, and other members of the Formentera sporting community. The gathering also served to premiere a video by local filmmaker Alfredo Montero that will be used to spotlight local sports values in the Balearics.
Earlier this year Mateu and Ferrer signed into effect a partnership that turns on a programme —"Posam Valors a l'Esport"— to promote sportsmanlike values among school-aged children on Formentera. Under the deal, the Govern will cofinance the programme with €10,000 and the CiF will put forward €5,000. So far the money has been used for training and outreach regarding positive values and attitudes in sport.
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Tourism planning and Economic activities