Today the Formentera Office of Youth Affairs presented its programme for Universal Children's Day, celebrated every year on 20 November. All month long, children, young people, families and teachers can engage in commemorating the anniversaries of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
Vanessa Parellada, councillor of youth affairs, pointed out that with the cross-cutting 2022 programme, the various offices of the Consell de Formentera had joined forces once again to present a programme where children and young people are at the centre. "Sports, cultural and recreational activities for children, youth and families are already well established, but during Children's Month, we're taking this chance to boost them even further and shine a light on the need to safeguard and champion the rights of children and young people, with a special focus this year on the right to mental health", said Councillor Parellada.
Two separate activities will be staged as part of the Formentera Office of Social Welfare-backed lecture series, Talks for parents and teachers (Xerrades per a families i docents): Thursday 3 November, Cristina Torres will speak to islanders about the limits and outcomes of positive education. Thursday 24 November, Rafael Bisquerra will lead a talk titled "Emotional education: from theory to practice". Childcare will be available at both talks, which will happen at 5.00pm in the Consell de Formentera auditorium (Sala de Plens) adjacent to the Centre de Dia. Reservations are required. Please call 971 321 271 or send an e-mail to
Children's Parliament
Friday 18 November at 11.00am, Formentera students will take part in the eleventh Children's Parliament, an in-person event at the Balearic parliament, where this year's theme is mental health.
Casal de Joves
Saturday 19 November, Formentera's drop-in centre for youth will host a family outing that includes a bike and sailboat ride. Participants must register in advance by e-mail at
22 November, the Formentera Office of Environment has put together a recycling workshop for kids. The event will run from 4.30pm to 6.00pm in the Espai Cultural de Sant Ferran, and each participant should bring one regular-sized and one large plastic bottle from home.
Saturday 26 November there will be an open day for anyone keen to know more about the Casal de Joves. The event gives local families, adults and children the chance to see the facilities and play table football, table tennis and other games.
Family production
Saturday 26 November, the Formentera Office of Culture will host a performance for family audiences. NATANAM, a dance show appropriate for children six months old and up, won the 2021 Feten Award for Best Early-Childhood Dance Production. The show starts at 6.00pm in the Sala de Cultura (Cinema) and tickets are available at starting one week before the show.
Sports days
The Formentera Office of Sport has organised two sports days. Saturday 26 November and Sunday 27 November, attendees can see demonstrations of the sports and activities offered by local clubs and take part in an open day activities at the Polideportiu Antoni Blanc. Activity hours will be announced in the days leading up to each event.
Children's assembly
Wednesday 30 November at 10.00am, members of Formentera's Participatory Council for Children and Youth will gather for an assembly of the Consell de Formentera auditorium (Sala d'Actes). Students will meet with local political representatives and the director of the Balearic Office of Childhood and Adolescence.
All month long during school hours, island schools will also host storytelling sessions titled "Children with Rights". Participating storytellers are committed to educating children about their rights around gender identity, acceptance, self-esteem and more. Story times are organised by the Formentera Office of Youth Affairs and the library.
"The Consell de Formentera believes family is key, as reflected in the constant and cross-cutting offer of activities to enjoy with the family. Of course, programmes geared specifically toward children and young people are also crucial. We champion respect for diversity and a comprehensive approach to wellness that encompasses the physical and mental, with a focus on emotional health and preventing serious problems such as child and youth suicide", concluded Councillor Parellada.
2 November 2022
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