Today Ana Juan, president and commerce councillor of the Consell de Formentera, has delivered eight new artisan cards to the islanders who passed the exam last year. The following individuals have obtained cards: Lorenzo Pepe, master artisan jeweller; Rosa Collell, artisan bag maker; Lorena Escandell, artisan knitter; Maria del Carmen Costa Ferrer, artisan sewer; Leile Ghenem, artisan trimmer; Valentina Llorens Matutes, artisan costume jeweller; Pep Juan Castelló, artisan jeweller, and Carlo de Bortoli, Debo, artisan object decorator.
First of all, President Juan congratulated the artisans who received cards. "Today Formentera craftwork is in luck, because the fact that every year we have more artisans, and also more young people, who are eager to train, learn and grow shows us that we have a strong and consolidated sector". The president said that last year the artisan exams, which had not been held since 2017, were reinstated and six diplomas were awarded — five to artisans and one to a master artisan. "Manual craftwork is a fundamental trade in our commercial fabric that must be valued and one that administrations must support, protect and promote", said Juan, who also congratulated the representatives of the technical panel that evaluated examiners.
The new artisans passed an examination evaluated by the technical craftsmanship panel in November. The panel was made up of managers of Consell departments and master craftsmen. During the exams, artisans had to make the product in which they sought specialisation in their workshop, while panel members observed the working methods and asked practical questions about technique and the production process. Depending on whether they opt for the title of artisan or master artisan, aspiring artisans must also have knowledge of foundational subjects such as basic notions of the craft; tools, equipment and machinery of the trade; origin of materials used; preparation, handling, processing and finishing; professional safety and hygiene, and more.
With the newly accredited artisans, today Formentera has 75 card-holding artisans, 12 master artisans and four honorary master artisans.
15 March 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera
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