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Sports centre pauses public activities until 3 January

The Formentera Office of Sports reports that the Antoni Blanc Sports Centre and municipal pool will halt public programming between 24 December 2021 and 2 January 2022 (both inclusive). Activities will resume on 3 January 2022. According to Paula Ferrer, Councillor of Sports, "We are taking advantage of the drop in visits to perform upkeep that can not be done with the facilities in operation and so staff can rest".

21 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Signups begin for the 2022 Formentera Half-Marathon

Today, 9 December, organisers began registering runners keen to participate in the 13th Formentera Half-Marathon or 8K Sant Ferran-La Savina fun run. In 2022 the race will resume its typical springtime place on the calendar, 14 May.

The current phase of "preinscriptions" isn't required for Formentera residents or individuals who have participated in five or more races in years past, both of whom have spots guaranteed. Residents should contact the Formentera Office of Sports while five-or-more-year veterans will receive an email with a code to access the platform and confirm their registration.

All other runners hoping to participate have from today to 10 January to complete a "preinscription" through the official race website at www.marato-formentera.com. At 12.30am on 12 January and in the presence of a notary, organisers will draw lots among "pre-inscribed" participants for 1,900 places in the Half-Marathon and one thousand places in the 8K race. Individuals selected in the drawing can then confirm their registration between 14 January and 7 February.

9 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2021 mitja marato

More than 1,200 island schoolchildren take part in 'Sport makes us equal'

foto 2021 valors esportToday Ana Juan, President and Councillor of Equality of the Consell de Formentera, and Paula Ferrer, Councillor of Sport, presented the campaign 'Sport makes us equal', part of the local initiative Posam Valors a l'Esport. Pupils in primary and secondary school will be the first to take part in the training programme, in which more than 1,200 local schoolchildren have already participated.

"The programme approaches equality from the angle of sports and education, an extremely appropriate way to spread the message and shape a future society that is more egalitarian across the board", said President Juan in the presentation. The island's top official highlighted the collaboration of the Formentera Office of Equality (Conselleria d'Igualtat), which will be in charge of an array of associated workshops, and applauded the Formentera Office of Sport (Conselleria d'Esports) "for their work spotlighting the values of sport".

The underlying goal of the programme is to discuss equality and other considerations like conflict resolution, frustration and motivation through the prism of sport. The training programme is designed to be practical and participative.

"In high demand among schoolchildren"

Councillor Ferrer said the programme, which launched in October, has been the subject of "intense demand on the part of primary schools and Marc Ferrer High School, who have requested workshops on equality and dealing with frustration and conflict resolution". Ferrer said some fifty workshops have taken place to date while others are in the works for the semester ahead. "Our job is to promote sport and we believe these actions help us do just that". Plans are also in place for workshops geared toward sport clubs, players, coaches and parents.

Audiovisual material

The CE has prepared audiovisual material to help broaden the programme's reach, including an initial video produced by Alfredo Montero and featuring young athletes from the island. Posters have also been made and, together with the video, they will be distributed across social media and other channels. Posam Valors a l'Esport has received €12,000 from the Balearic Directorate General of Sport.

24 November 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2021 valors esport A

John Tunks Memorial Mini-Marathon returns Wednesday 8 Dec. with track and skating races

The 43rd John Tunks Memorial Mini-Marathon, organised by Grup Esportiu Espalmador with collaboration from the Formentera Office of Sports, will kick off Wednesday 8 December at 10.00am. The event includes two categories: athletics and skating (12K route) and a kids' 2.8K fun run departing from Sant Ferran.

Registration for the 12K race (€15 or free for under-18s) can be completed on www.elitechip.net. Members of GE Espalmador pay half price. Space remains for lower categories in the 12K race, which starts in Sant Ferran. This year registration fees were waived in all categories. Complete details about the trials are also available on www.elitechip.net. Masks must be worn until the start of the race and immediately after the finish.

Departure times are as follows:
10.00am (12K Memorial John Tunks Mini-Marathon)
10.10am (Skating race, single category)
10.40am approx. (2.800m from Sant Ferran)

Race routes will be closed to vehicle traffic for the duration of the events. From 9.30am to 12 noon, the La Savina-Sant Francesc-Sant Ferran portion of highway PM 820, as well as the La Savina-Es Pujols-Sant Ferran stretch of highway PM 820-2, will be closed.

For participants from off the island, there is a free round-trip coach service from the port of La Savina to the start in Sant Francesc Xavier.

3 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2021 john tunks

The Consell and the Association of Professional Sports Consultants of the Balearic Islands sign a deal to promote training and sports management on the island

foto 2021 conveni AGEPIB

Ana Juan, the President of the Consell de Formentera, and Josep Lluís Berbel, President of the Association of Professional Sports Consultants of the Balearic Islands, have signed a deal to promote a range of training related to exercise and sport. The agreement includes no economic considerations, but covers consulting on planning and actions regarding management of legal and administrative tasks in sports generally. Councillor of Sport Paula Ferrer was on hand as the deal was signed.

18 November 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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