Wednesday, 26 April 2023 13:40
Work on third cable to be completed in April
The Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that Red Eléctrica (REE) has finished assembly works on the third electric cable. The Office of Land explained that access to Es Ca Marí has been guaranteed by the beginning of summer.
According to Rafael González, land councillor, who coordinated the works with REE, by late April, the main road connecting the tourist area with PM-820 will be asphalted and painting and signalling operations will be completed. "We are satisfied with the coordination there has been, because the bulk of the work will be completed by the start of summer", he said. The councillor also thanked REE for agreeing to repair damages that works have caused on adjacent roads.
Between the last week of April and the first week of May, REE will resurface Cas Simonets road (from Camí Vell de la Mola to Es Ca Marí), leaving it in good condition. Then, in May, REE will oversee targeted repairs of damages, including to nearby dry stone walls, also caused by works.
The new connection will involve a 132 kV double electrical circuit linking the Torrent substation in Santa Eulària des Riu and a new substation in Es Ca Marí. Since 30 January, when the underwater portion of the cable was laid, efforts have focused on finishing work on the part of the cable that is on land.
26 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera