The Formentera Council announces the successful installation of a dozen baby changing stations across the island. When possible, the fittings were installed in spaces open to both women and men, part of an effort to promote a gender-balanced approach to childcare.
Infrastructure secretary Rafael González called it “an improvement on the services offered at a range of Council facilities” and an arrangement intended for “mothers and fathers alike”. “Changing nappies is a task both parents must take responsibility for”, González stressed.
A changing station can be found in the unisex toilets near the conference hall of the island's dependent care centre, in the accessible toilets of the Antoni Blanc fitness centre cafeteria and the IES Marc Ferrer sports facilities, the gender-neutral toilets at the department of culture, and the accessible toilets of the Casal d'Entitats, the Centre “Gabrielet” and the Sant Ferran centre for the aged. Still others have been installed in the toilets at the cinema, at the island's youth drop-in centre (Casal de Joves) and at la Mola's Casa del Poble community centre. They can also be found in the Sant Francesc library; one in the women's toilets and a second in the men's.