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Formentera to get over €20m as part of region's 2019 spending package—up nearly 37% from this year

foto pressupostos CAIB 2018Balearic administration's budget includes upwards of €8m in local investment and 33% more funding –or €9.1m in total– for Formentera Council

Formentera will receive 20.7 million euros as part of the Balearic autonomous community's 2019 budget for an increase of 5.6 million, or 37%, on the 2018 figure. The money will come from distinct departments of the regional Govern as well as public sector firms representing the operative arms of the Palma administration.

The Govern will set aside more than eight million euros for public investment on the island, up roughly 43% or 2.4 million from this year. As for the funding directed at the Formentera Council, there is another uptick: next year's 9.1 million euros mark an increase of 2.3 million—or 33.1% more than this year.

Joined at the budget unveiling by CiF chair Jaume Ferrer and deputy chair/tax office councillor Bartomeu Escandell, Catalina Cladera, who is regional minister of the tax office and the department of public administrations, during the budget: “This administration is working to reinforce the autonomy of the individual island councils and the 2019 budget is a new example of the decentralising impulse marking this legislative term”.

Concerning investment, which features a 62.5% uptick from instrumental public sector firms placing the 2019 total at 7.2 million euros, highlights include money for educational infrastructure. Among the allocations in this area are 5.9 million euros for the Sant Ferran primary school rebuild and 200,000 to conduct an expansion of IES Marc Ferrer high school.

The region's 2019 budget also covers projects aimed at upgrading water management. One such effort entails changes at Formentera's seawater desalination plant (third line and reservoir, 500,000 euros) while another features 400,000 euros' worth of conservation work on the waste water treatment plant.

The budget also incorporates a brand-new project which enjoys 130,000 euros in funding from the sustainable tourism levy—regulation of moorage at s'Estany des Peix. Another project concerns waste transfer between Formentera and Eivissa (750,000 euros) and yet another a local fund for sustainable mobility (350,000 euros).

The Formentera Council's deputy chairman highlighted the “climate of collaboration” underpinning relations this legislative term between each administration's tax office. “Fair and sufficient” was how Escandell described the Council's current funding package, which he noted included a three-fold increase on the three million euros the administration got in 2007. He also said his overall assessment of the current legislative term “positive”, explaining “we've managed to succeed on nearly all the fronts we set out to push—better funding for waste transfer, coastal surveillance, a new marine reserve, an irrigation pond and sustainable mobility policy”.

Escandell also trumpeted advances during the current term in low-cost housing, as well as investment from the sustainable tourism levy in the form of upgrades in es Pujols and the purchase of Sa Senieta for its future transformation into the headquarters of Formentera's museum. Other hallmarks of collaboration between the two administrations are deals for local-level custodianship of tourism promotion and the Govern's promise to finance 70% of the planned assisted living residence.

Formentera celebrates Dia de la Constitució

foto-dia-constitucio---2018-11Observance of the holiday known as “Dia de la Constitució” (Constitution Day) began on Formentera with celebration of the 40th John Tunks Memorial Mini-marathon. At 10.30am the race's 156 participants set off from Sant Francesc's plaça de la Constitució on a 12K circuit that took them through la Savina, es Pujols and Sant Ferran before finally ending back in Sant Francesc.

Later at 11.30am, the Council's Sala d'Actes was the scene of an address from administration chief Jaume Ferrer, in which he spoke about Formentera's appeal for constitutional reforms allowing the island to have its own dedicated senator. Ferrer, who described the plea as longstanding, said Formentera “is as close as ever to seeing it come true”. The island “deserves to be recognised at the national level and to have its own representation in the upper house as well”, he affirmed.

Ferrer spoke about the path-breaking moment 40 years ago that brought approval for the document, offering “the Constitution teaches us that living together takes hard work from everyone in the process”. That lesson, he said, is all the more clearer in a place like Formentera, “an island where people from a true multiplicity of backgrounds live together”. The president also hailed what he called “the climate of coexistence and respect” present today on the island.

A series of closing performances took place immediately after Ferrer's address. Clara Escandell, Cristian Tur and Pere Serra, students at the island's music and dance school, performed, as did participants in Xomeu Juan's workshop on traditional music, who interpreted a number of pieces from the Eivissa-Formentera musical canon.

Formentera celebrates International Volunteer Day

foto dia-internacional-del-voluntariatThe Formentera Council's social welfare department reminds islanders that local observance of International Volunteer Day is this Wednesday December 5.

The Formentera Council wishes to salute the tireless, perennial efforts of volunteer staff. Many wings of the Council rely on the help and participation of volunteers, who work to support the organisation and implementation of nearly every event the Council backs.

In their charitable efforts, volunteers are the anonymous and frequently all but invisible protagonists of the vast majority of local celebrations, events and projects. The island's corp of volunteers currently boasts a head count of roughly 200.

In observance of International Volunteer Day, visitors to Sant Francesc's plaça de la Constitució will find a booth stocked with information for volunteers and anyone keen to learn more. A dedicatory sign will also be hung from the Council balcony in recognition of volunteers' selfless work.

Formentera hosts 40th John Tunks memorial mini-marathon

foto minimarato 2018The department of the Formentera Council, in partnership with Grup Esportiu Espalmador, announces that the 40th John Tunks Memorial Mini Marató will take place Thursday December 6.

Runners set out at 10.30am from Sant Francesc's plaça de la Constitució in one of two modalities—athletics and skating. The race is open to everyone, though age limits are in place across the distinct categories.

Start times and distances

10.30am, start of 12K John Tunks memorial mini-marathon (multi-category).
10.40am, start of single-category skaters' circuit (Cursa de Patinatge).
11.10am (approximate), start of 2,800m trial in corresponding categories. Pending passage of Guardia Civil traffic motorbike at the front of 12K race.
12 noon to 12.30pm, SUB 6 (100m), SUB 8 (200m), SUB 10 (one 500m lap, closed circuit), SUB 12 (two 500m laps, closed circuit).

Runners on the 12K are due back by approximately 12.10pm.

Interruptions in vehicle traffic and public transport

Road closures will be necessary from 10.20am to 12.30pm, with normal traffic flow resuming once the race is complete.

Runners and skaters can catch free buses from the port in la Savina to start points in Sant Francesc and Sant Ferran, with return service available as well. Participants from Eivissa who show their signup form at the corresponding Baleària ticket counter are eligible for discounted ferry fare.

Formentera passes 2019 budget

foto 2018 ple nov 1As the full Formentera Council gathered on Friday for the administration's November assembly, one of the session's standout features was a stamp of initial approval for the Council's 2019 budget.

The almost €30.2 million budget passed with “yes” votes from Gent per Formentera and despite PSOE abstention and “no”s from PP and Compromís party members.

Tax office councillor Bartomeu Escandell called the figures for 2019 “balanced and realistic”. “This budget is built around improvement initiatives for our island and towns. The current focus of infrastructure investment is on transformational change in Sant Ferran, but la Savina and es Pujols are at the fore too”. The councillor highlighted construction already under way on Formentera's senior-living residence as well as the soon-to-be completed funeral parlour—which, as Escandell offered, “together with the dependent care facility and hospital, means our endowment of health and human services now promises something we've talked about on Formentera for years: the freedom to be born and die here on the island, and to live out one's years with dignity.

Other measures

The session also brought resolution for a suit with the local delegation of the central government involving approval of the Council's offering of public employment, set to enter in force next year. The motion passed by unanimous consent.

Another object of cross-party support was the devolution of control over gender and LGTBI policy. The same goes, despite PP abstention, for a set of proposed representations from UTE GIREF, which operates Eivissa's Ca Na Putxa, concerning a deal on investment at the waste and organic matter processing plant.

The close of the assembly came with the reading of the administration's manifesto on violence against women, and an intervention from Sònia Cardona, whose words for the assembly touched on initiatives developed from within the department of citizen participation under her direction in 2018, as well as transparency and good governance.

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