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Thumbs up for test drive of organic waste recycling programme on Formentera

Foto recollida organica bar centroThe Formentera Council's Office of Environment reports that from June to September, a four-month pilot programme across fifty businesses and other establishments in Sant Francesc meant that 100 tonnes of organic waste were collected for recycling.

The list of participants included bars, cafés, hotels, supermarkets, a hospital and a school — all considered producers of substantial quantities of waste. Each one was given special, small bins which crews picked up on nightly door-to-door collection runs.

Environment secretary Daisee Aguilera thanked participating businesses for their efforts, which made for a savings of €167 per tonne —or €16,700 over all— by reducing the waste that is treated and shipped to Eivissa.

Councillor Aguilera pointed to other benefits too, like a programme at the Formentera treatment plant that will supply local farms with compost. Organic matter and a special mixture of tree clippings to add structure are allowed to mature during a four-month process that ultimately produces compost for farmers of the island.

According to Aguilera the idea behind the initiative —repurposing organic waste to create a product apt for local fields— is “zero waste production”. Council personnel with specialist training have described the quality of the compost (participants are urged to set aside organic waste alone) as “very good”.

The €80,000 programme is paid for by the Formentera Council and a €32,000 grant by the Leader group. On the back of the programme's bumper response, the Council is studying expanding the organic rubbish recycling programme across other “big rubbish producers” on the island.

Call for Save Posidonia Project proposals

posidonia sergio arribasThe tourism and environment offices of the Formentera Council announce that they will begin accepting funding requests for conservation-related projects under the Save Posidonia Project. The period for submissions —which can be made on behalf of a business or an individual— will remain open for forty days from today, Thursday, December 28. Projects must focus on protection of the marine plant.

Proposals will be accepted digitally at the Citizen Information Office (OAC) and Virtual Citizen Information Office (OVAC). At the close of submissions, applications will be reviewed by a panel of international, national and local experts with collaboration from high-profile NGOs. After the 20-day review process, the list of winners will be published on the CiF bulletin board.

The Save Posidonia Project has raised €132,657.65 in contributions from 540 individuals and 18 businesses, which, at one euro the square metre, sponsored stretches of the 7,650 hectares of nearby sea grass meadows via the saveposidoniaproject.org website and on the associated app. Donors were able to provide support by participating in other events too, like Formentera's half marathon and Formentera Fotogràfica as well.

The floor of Formentera's nearby sea is home to the world's largest and longest-living known organism, an eight-kilometre wide, 100-thousand-year-old clonal colony of Posidonia oceanica. The meadows have been listed on Unesco's World Heritage catalogue since 1999.

Tremendos headline New Year's concert in Sant Ferran

Tremendos grup de versions autor de la foto santi iglesias reduxThe Formentera Council's Office of Culture and Festivities announces that New Year's Eve celebrations on the island will be headed up by the band Tremendos. From 1.00am, Catalunya's turbocharged contribution to the country's body of cover bands will provide the tunes as the crowd in the Sant Ferran festival tent rings in 2018.

Tremendos are six musicians whose enduring run in the music game today provides them with a repertoire of anthems from the eighties, nineties and noughts that resonate with a breadth of generations. Their music includes everything from well-known classics in Castilian (Los Secretos, La Guardia, Tequila, Ramoncín, Seguridad Social, El Último de la Fila, Fito y los Fitipaldis, Morat [Como te atreves], Celtas Cortos, Efecto Pasillo...) to the beloved Catalan favourites (Sopa de Cabra, Txarango, Els Catarres, La Pegatina...) with international hits like AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell' and Guns'N'Roses' cover of 'Knocking on Heaven's door' thrown in the mix too.

As she extended her own holiday greetings to the people of Formentera, culture secretary Susana Labrador told islanders a little about what to expect from the New Year's Eve performance. “Tremendos are in a league of their own in music”, she said, assuring that the group's brand of “freshness and variety” are just what Formentera's Christmas holidays need. Tremendos were awarded Musicat's 100% live music quality seal and the 2011 Arc award for best cover band by the professional association of representatives, promoters and mangers of Catalunya.

Stars of 2018 calendar: grapes

Foto calendari 2018 oacThe Formentera Council language department has released its 2018 calendar of 12 different kinds of grapes. With 2,000 copies printed, the Council is giving them away for free at the Citizen Information Office (OAC), the Sant Francesc library and the hospital. Each month comes with a photograph and a short feature on one of 12 grape varieties.

Last year's calendar spotlighted 12 photos concerning prehistoric Formentera. The Council began using the calendars in 2011 to showcase aspects of Formentera's history or popular culture and encourage locals to resurrect certain words. Past editions have turned on local trivia (a special edition which included questions and answers), highlights of the 20th century, Marià Villangómez, farming tools, fishing tackle, figs, prehistory and now grapes. The approximate cost of the calendars was €4,000.

Formentera hosts third sports photo contest

Tercer premi esports 2017The Formentera Council's Office of Sport has honoured winners of the island's third Concurs de Fotografia Esportiva, or Sports Photography Contest. They are Oskar Matxin, whose “Som de 2a B” earned the photographer a €300 prize; Alessandro Ramazzotti, who won €200 for “Furia” and Paula Torrano, awarded €100 in recognition of “Rodando en Es Pujols”. The winning prints will be displayed at Antoni Blanc fitness centre.

Congratulating the winners, sport secretary Jordi Vidal pointed out that judges had “saluted the moment, feeling and sportsmanlike values embodied in the photo that won first prize, the landscape captured in the second, and the technical quality of the third”.

Hence, as today begins the sport photo contest's fourth edition, interested participants are invited to submit pictures to fotografiaesportiva@conselldeformentera.cat through next November. Prints sent to the Citizen's Information Office, or OAC, by certified mail will also be accepted.

Photos must be related to sport, any facet of a sport conducted here locally, or Formentera athletes competing or training elsewhere. Once again, cash prizes will be set at €300, €200 and €100, respectively. New this year, one €100 prize will also be awarded for “best sports selfie”.

Each photographer can submit no more than three prints, which must be previously unpublished and may not have been entered in other contests. The image can be in colour or black and white. Physical submissions must be unframed, paper prints, 20cm wide and 40cm long, in square, digital, classic or panorama format. For online submissions, JPG files which should be no bigger than 8Mb, photographers can modify tone, saturation, brightness, contrast, levels and curves only.

Submitting photos
Paper submissions will be accepted by the Oficina d'Atenció Ciudadana (OAC), carrer de Ramon Llull, nº6 until November 25, 2018. A blank envelope with the photographer's full name, address, e-mail address and telephone number should also be included.

Photos submitted by certified mail delivered to the Formentera Council at plaça de la Constitució, 1, Sant Francesc Xavier, Formentera, must include an avatar with which to identify the photographer.

Online submissions should be sent to  fotografiaesportiva@conselldeformentera.cat and include the following: Full name. E-mail address. Telephone number. Town of residence.

Each photo must include a title and a note about where and when it was taken. A panel of individuals with recognised experience in the visual arts will select the winning photos, which will be announced in early December.

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