The Formentera Council's Office of Trade has reported that six craftworkers have been granted accreditation as artisans and one as master artisan. Both credentials, Carta Artesana and Carta de Mestre Artesà, certify an individual as apt to take part in craft markets and specialty festivals, while the latter also accredits a minimum of ten years' experience and ability to give classes in one's area of expertise.
The master artisan's card was awarded to Javier Alvarez de Lara, specialist in dry stone wall construction. Recipients of the standard artisan's card included Carolina Yuste and Mónica López, both endorsed as artisan object decorators; Alba Maria Álvarez, who received her card specialising in pepes (fabric dolls); Miguel Morey is authorised to work as a fine carpenter; Helena Maria Amaral as a leatherworker and Maria Isabel Escandell as a coppersmith.
Tests were administered by the Formentera Council's technical team on craftwork assessment. To date on Formentera, there are ten people accredited as master artisans and 64 as standard artisans.