Friday, 07 October 2016 13:45
The Formentera Council's Office of Environment reported today on a 255.8-tonne spike in waste generated on the island during the January-September period of 2016, compared to the same period in 2015. “In terms of recyclable material, there was a slight increase in glass collected —67.38 tonnes more— followed by a smaller increment in plastics collection, which saw a 24.98-tonne increase. Paper and cardboard, however, experienced a lower collection figure — 13.34 tonnes lower”, explained environment councillor Daisee Aguilera.
From January to September (a period which includes both months) the rates of recycling held steady at about 23%, which are among the highest in the country. However, added Aguilera, that figure is very similar to last years'. To try and increase recycling rates as well as the reuse of reusable materials, to factors which have remained stagnant in recent years, the Formentera Council has acquired 3,000 packs of collection bags for plastics, paper and cardboard and glass.
Starting next Monday October 10 residents can collect their packs at the CiF Office of Environment, located at number 15, carrer Mallorca in Sant Ferran, Monday through Friday, 9.00am to 2.00pm. The packs will also be handed out to users of the Deixalleria, the local household waste collection centre, at the Sant Francesc industrial park, Monday through Saturday, 9.00am to 1.30pm, and Monday through Friday afternoons, 3.30 to 5.30pm.
Each pack includes three bags for glass, plastics and cardboard recycling. The environment councillors hopes the bid will “raise local awareness about recycling and help people recycle in a more ordered fashion”. The initiative carried a cost of €13,539.90. Bags will be distributed until none remain.
Recycling savings
Aguilera highlighted the cost of shipping unrecycled waste to Eivissa —€137 per tonne— plus the added cost of placement in the Ca Na Putxa rubbish tip — €30 per tonne. Hence, Formentera residents saved €310,910.58 by recycling 1,861.74 tonnes between January and September 2016. Recycled waste doesn't incur freight costs, because they are covered by the recycling companies themselves.
Greater involvement
In light of the fact that the summer season's end is approaching, Aguilera asked residents and big waste producers, who may be carrying out end-of-season cleanups, to be mindful and civic, and remember that large rubbish —and waste like paints, electronics, batteries and oils that requires special treatment— cannot be left at collection bins. “The island will be cleaner and we will significantly reduce the costs of treatment and collection if we are all conscious of proper waste management”, the councillor concluded.