Tuesday, 16 August 2016 19:21
The Formentera Council (CiF), by way of the administration's Office of Social Welfare, is taking part in a photography contest on nursing mothers in the Pitiüsa islands. The competition, organised jointly by the health department of Eivissa and Formentera and a Balearic Islands-based association that works to promote breastfeeding, will also receive 500 euros from the Formentera Council, for prizes in the open category.
Two goals underpin the competition: first, for mothers to share their stories and experiences nursing a child. Second, to bring images of breastfeeding mothers to the fore, and, through photos, familiarise members of society with the practise of what truly can be considered an art.
Photographs must contain images of nursing. Mothers may appear breastfeeding daughters or sons, in moments of their normal day-to-day life. Submissions will be judged on the nursing technique used, originality, creativity and photo quality.
First prize, best photograph, 250 euros. This photo will feature on the poster promoting 2017's week of mother's milk. The first prize, will be awarded by the Balearic Islands school of nursing. Second prize, prolonged nursing, 200 euros. The second prize will be awarded by the Balearic midwives' association. Third prize, nursing in the Pitiüsa islands, 150 euros. The third prize will be awarded by the Balearic association of community nursing (A.B.I.C.). Open category, 500 euros split into five prizes valued at 100 euros each. Awarded by the Formentera Council.
Deadline on submissions
Photos must be submitted in digital .jpg format, have a resolution of 300ppp each and not be any larger than 5MB. Submissions absolutely must be sent on 20cm x 25cm-sized photo paper. No writing, names, markings or date shall appear on submitted photographs, including the back side of photos. Each participant can submit no more than three photos.
Photos, in digital format, shall be emailed to concursodefotografiadelactanciamaterna@asef.es. Printed versions of the photos must also be submitted, together with the registration form bearing the participant's personal information, to the following address:
Concurs de Fotografia sobre Lactància Materna.
Direcció d'Infermeria de l’Àrea de Salut d'Eivissa i Formentera.
Hospital Can Misses. Edifici J.C / Corona s/n.
07800 Eivissa.
For more information, follow this link to consult conditions of participation and download the registration form: http://www.asef.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=332%3Aconcurso-de-fotografia-de-lactancia-2016&catid=6%3Anoticias&Itemid=10&lang=ca