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Summer schoolers visit Council's vegetable patch for kids

hort infantil formentera 2 2016 elenamarcoPupils of Formentera's summer school programme take part in activities at a vegetable garden for kids created by the Formentera Council and dubbed l'Hort Infantil. The administration's Office of Youth Services and Office of Agriculture are organising visits of the garden, which is located next to Sant Francesc's Sa Tanca Vella monument, for children attending summer school in Sant Francesc and Sant Ferran.

Young ones at the Sant Francesc summer school took it in two turns when they visited the garden and participated in outdoor farming activities. The visits lasted approximately 45 minutes. Next Monday August 22 children of the Sant Ferran de Ses Roques programme will be split into three groups that each take part in 45-minute sessions.

The vegetable patch for kids was created last winter for introductory-level children's farming courses put on by the Formentera Council. Given positive response to the courses so far it is expected they will continue through the coming school year.

Spanish, Italian state police pay visit to island

visita 170816Earlier today, Jaume Ferrer, the president of the Formentera Council (CiF), welcomed a courtesy visit from Lieutenant Colonel Mario Lamura of the Carabinieri, whose duties include work at the Italian state police force's Madrid office. Lamura was joined by Warrant Officer Davide Porcelluzzi, Sergeant Marco Rosetti and Chief Loris Lunato. Acting as mediators for the Carabinieri commanders were Major Antonio Fresno of the Eivissa-Formentera Guardia Civil and Alejandro Perdigón, the warrant officer for the Spanish state police on Formentera. The visit was an opportunity to evaluate current joint operations by the two police forces on the island.

Formentera Council thanks associations, experts and volunteers for tackling s'Espalmador blaze

visita4 pequeVisiting s'Espalmador island this morning, where workers were still working to put out a blaze that began last night, CiF president Jaume Ferrer thanked Council firefighters, Formentera and Eivissa crews of the Balearic Island's ecology bureau (Ibanat), firefighters called in from Mallorca, staff of the nearby marine reserve, coast guard rescue crews, the Guardia Civil, Formentera's civil protection crews and its local police force for their work controlling the wildfire. Recognising myriad efforts (“both with logistics and helping people reach the flames”), Ferrer expressed gratitude to crews that helped watercraft anchor, Formentera-based inspection workers and “residents like Sergi Gómez who pitched in too”.

Ferrer traveled to s'Espalmador with the CiF president's office councillor, Bartomeu Escandell, and environment councillor Daisee Aguilera. Stepping off the boat, they met and thanked two members of the Formentera Ibanat crew who prepared to make the same journey in reverse. The three officials thanked CiF firefighters as well; as the local fire brigade packed up its own equipment and prepared to send it back home, aerial crews led the final firefighting work from above.

On the shore, the chief brigadier explained to officials that, excepting the still-present risk of renewed flames posed by hot ashes, the blaze had been brought under control. An Ibanat helicopter continued its task of dumping water from above while one of the bureau's two water pumps was used to extract water from the sea and wet the burned land.

“A relief”
Prepared for the worst by a feed of “often terrifying” images that continued through the night, and aware of the difficult conditions that work crews on s'Espalmador faced, the president described his initial impression of the site as “a relief,” calling the situation on the ground “better than feared”. “Now it's time,” he said, “to finish putting out the flames and give thanks for the work of our associations and firefighting teams.” According to Ferrer, “the CiF has for years requested the Govern's help dealing with the pressure that our island, and the Ses Salines park in particular, face.” That pressure, he asserted, was “unreasonable” and he said the blaze was proof “changes must occur, and fast”. Ferrer also congratulated officials on their speedy apprehension of the individual responsible for causing the fire.

Fire at 10.40pm
The Formentera Council fire brigade received notification of the fire at 10.50pm. At 11.40pm firefighting crews were working to tackle the flames, which were declared “stable” at 2.25am and “controlled” at 7.45am.

CiF backs contest showcasing photos of breastfeeding mothers

foto abamlactanciaThe Formentera Council (CiF), by way of the administration's Office of Social Welfare, is taking part in a photography contest on nursing mothers in the Pitiüsa islands. The competition, organised jointly by the health department of Eivissa and Formentera and a Balearic Islands-based association that works to promote breastfeeding, will also receive 500 euros from the Formentera Council, for prizes in the open category.

Two goals underpin the competition: first, for mothers to share their stories and experiences nursing a child. Second, to bring images of breastfeeding mothers to the fore, and, through photos, familiarise members of society with the practise of what truly can be considered an art.

Photographs must contain images of nursing. Mothers may appear breastfeeding daughters or sons, in moments of their normal day-to-day life. Submissions will be judged on the nursing technique used, originality, creativity and photo quality.

First prize, best photograph, 250 euros. This photo will feature on the poster promoting 2017's week of mother's milk. The first prize, will be awarded by the Balearic Islands school of nursing. Second prize, prolonged nursing, 200 euros. The second prize will be awarded by the Balearic midwives' association. Third prize, nursing in the Pitiüsa islands, 150 euros. The third prize will be awarded by the Balearic association of community nursing (A.B.I.C.). Open category, 500 euros split into five prizes valued at 100 euros each. Awarded by the Formentera Council.

Deadline on submissions
Photos must be submitted in digital .jpg format, have a resolution of 300ppp each and not be any larger than 5MB. Submissions absolutely must be sent on 20cm x 25cm-sized photo paper. No writing, names, markings or date shall appear on submitted photographs, including the back side of photos. Each participant can submit no more than three photos.

Photos, in digital format, shall be emailed to concursodefotografiadelactanciamaterna@asef.es. Printed versions of the photos must also be submitted, together with the registration form bearing the participant's personal information, to the following address:

Concurs de Fotografia sobre Lactància Materna.
Direcció d'Infermeria de l’Àrea de Salut d'Eivissa i Formentera.
Hospital Can Misses. Edifici J.C / Corona s/n.
07800 Eivissa.

For more information, follow this link to consult conditions of participation and download the registration form: http://www.asef.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=332%3Aconcurso-de-fotografia-de-lactancia-2016&catid=6%3Anoticias&Itemid=10&lang=ca

Govern promises proper stewardship of Ses Salines park

foto reunio amengualThe Formentera Council's top environmental officer, Daisee Aguilera, met today with Caterina Amengual, director general of the Govern Balear's bureau of natural spaces and biodiversity, at the head office of the Formentera government. The chair of the CiF's Office of Environment thanked Amengual for a visit that came in the heart of summer and was aimed at driving home that “what the Council is asking for with regard to environmental protections is totally justified”. Aguilera nuanced her proclamation with an appeal for “immediate action,” something she said would be necessary for measures to be effective. The CiF councillor said officials in Palma agree with the Formentera Council's diagnosis of current environmental issues — a break from the previous Govern's stance — and asserted: “Now is the time to pursue ambitious projects.”

The two representatives talked about a plan to control anchorage along the entire Formentera coastline — an endeavour both say will be complex, not least because it requires the involvement of seven administration offices, though they maintained that work is being done to ensure its application across the entire island. According to Amengual, one of her department's goals is to “dignify the Ses Salines park”. She added: “Looking ahead to 2017 we want to have a dedicated staff member based on Formentera.” Amengual took the opportunity to unveil a project called “Posidònia Life arena blanca,” intended to secure European funding for the task of conserving Formentera's posidonia seagrass prairies.

Estany des Peix
Additionally, the two used the gathering to address problems at estany des Peix and define a course of action agreed by the coastal authority as well as the administrative office in charge of the Ses Salines park. According to Aguilera and Amengual, a handful of technical issues remain before the goal of “making land management on the protected area” can become a reality. Councillor Aguilera also spoke about plans to re-establish a municipal sailing school on the island. She said the new school would be located near the school's previous site, and that at present the project was pending reports concerning the network of environmentally protected sites within the Balearics.

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