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Heart of Es Pujols and seaside promenade to get make-over this winter

projecte es pujols - vista passeig 1Earlier today in a one-off plenary session, CiF council members adopted —despite abstention from Compromís per Formentera— a plan to repave an arterial and reconstruct various pieces of urban furniture in Es Pujols. Construction, which will affect the centre of Es Pujols as well as the passeig marítim, the town's waterside promenade, will begin November 1, reported the Council's infrastructure councillor Rafael González.

The improvements will include a full reconstruction of utilities in the area: sanitation (rain water collection and sewage), water supply (fire hydrants and street cleaning), electricity and telecommunication. The street in question will be repaved using the same stone as what was employed for a remodel of carrer Roca Plana. Other changes will involve a new, integrated seaside walkway and various aesthetic improvements, including removing a stone wall and creating a wooden promenade.

The project has an estimated price tag of 2,445,750.68 euros and is expected to be complete in six months. This year a budget line for some 330,000 euros will be freed up in order to cover construction costs. Said Councillor González, next year, the remaining cost will be covered by a combination of the Council's own, as well as external, funding.

Formal dissolution of Formentera development group now under way

rsz reunio junta rectora cfdToday, Wednesday August 3, the directive board of Consorci Formentera Desenvolupament (“Formentera development consortium”) convened in the plenary hall of the Formentera Council. After the meeting, CiF president Jaume Ferrer and Bartomeu Escandell, councillor of the president's office, spoke before members of the press.

The president explained how representatives of the CiF, the Govern Balear and the Eivissa Council “have begun administrative and legal proceedings to dissolve the consortium”.

The group was created in 2001 to secure funding sources (particularly from the Palma government and the then integrated Council of Eivissa and Formentera) and drive investment to mitigate Formentera's deficit. In Ferrer's words, “the group served an important purpose and the Formentera Council will now assume full control of its administration and investments”.

“Today we started taking administrative steps to ultimately achieve the group's definitive dissolution,” he added. The consortium's directive body green lighted the start of dissolution proceedings, which, according to Ferrer, “will be effective before year-end”.

For his part, Councillor Escandell said the process was in tune with the CiF's policy of “streamlining administrative processes by avoiding expenditures such as those related to staffing and rent”.

Formentera asks Govern to retool regional employment programme

foto trobada consell eivissaVanessa Parellada, head of the CiF Office of Social Welfare, attended a presentation on generating employment opportunities that was hosted by the Govern Balear's labour minister, Iago Negueruela, today at the Eivissa Council. The event, which was also organised by the director general of the regional employment bureau, Pere Torrens, and Eivissa's labour councillor Viviana de Sans.

The Palma government officials explained the plan stood to create work for some 182 jobless individuals in the Pitiüsa islands via programmes at the town and island council level. Estimates put new jobs created on Formentera at roughly 28, with potential investment on the island reaching 86,000 euros.

The CiF social welfare councillor urged the Govern reps to ensure those plans are in tune with the local situation on Formentera, so that “they benefit unemployed Formentera residents too”. Parellada pointed out that the Formentera labour force is different to those of the other Balearic Islands and asked consideration be given to each island's idiosyncrasies. She suggested that job programmes be scheduled for winter, or that projects that exceed six months be split into two phases “given the seasonal nature of Formentera's job force”.

Under the programme proposed by the Govern there would be three possible employment schemes, one, for unemployed individuals under 29, offering training for positions at local corporations. Another programme proposes separate training and hiring measures for people over 30. Lastly, Visibles is aimed at benefit-strapped residents that are over 45 and have got dependants to their name.

Half of Formentera's seasonal taxi fleet are hybrid cars

foto parada taxis formenteraThe Formentera Council's bureau of mobility has reported that four of the eight seasonal taxis on the island this summer are hybrid cars. The Council's action plan on seasonal cabs for 2016 and 2017, created with the local chauffeurs' association, proposed requiring 25 per cent of seasonal taxis to be hybrids, however, as Rafael González, CiF transport councillor, commented, “we revised our outlook. It's improved and now 50 per cent of our fleet is hybrid.”

Seasonal taxi-chauffeuring permits are awarded on a point-based system. Higher scores are given to hybrids, new cars, vehicles equipped for credit-card payment and vehicles which generate returns to the Council that exceed a monthly minimum of 1,000 euros. Under the previous plan five individuals received permits; the current plan calls for increasing that number to eight. In the past, permit-holders could drive a taxi for a three-month period; that has now grown to four months, and there is a broader spread of working times.

CiF convenes July plenary

foto ple juliol 2016Members of the Formentera Council (CiF) met today for the July plenary session. By the session's end, attendants had unanimously adopted an agreement between the Balearic Islands autonomous community (CAIB) and the CiF on the places at the Formentera Day Centre for dependent adults. Social welfare councillor Vanessa Parellada said signing the pact was “an issue of political responsibility” but called attention to an unfavourable report issued previously by the centre's administration that underscored insufficient funding to care for all the patients there. At present, Parellada said, the day centre relies on the Council to make up the funding shortfall.

Plenary members also unanimously passed a measure to establish the island's local holidays for the 2017 year. According to Susana Labrador, the CiF's head of culture, the two festivals will be the Festival of Sant Ferran on May 30 and the Festival of Sant Jaume on July 25. The latter is also island's official holiday, known as Formentera Day, or Diada de Formentera.

Cutting energy consumption
The day's session also brought approval for a measure by the Popular Party to maintain fixed thermostat levels (21ºC for heating and 24ºC for air conditioning). Daisee Aguilera, the Council's head of environment, highlighted the administration's support for the measure to improve energy efficiency, which she said would “reduce our energy consumption and offset some of the effects of climate change”. She also predicted a positive impact on the Council's electricity bill.

All the representatives at the plenary supported the socialist group (PSOE) on a measure to re-establish periodic cleaning and telephone services at the Es Cap centre for the elderly. Finally, a one-off measure was adopted regarding town and country planning at Cala Saona. Councillor Aguilera pledged to pass along news of the plenary agreement to the responsible authorities —the coastal authority and the harbour master's office— “so that land use in the area can be improved”. Aguilera cited improvements needed in the way activities at the cove are managed and watercraft safety is overseen, but pointed to “swimmer and beachgoer safety” as a leading concern.

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