Neighbourhood gathering to discuss projects in Sant Ferran

Cartell reunio veins st ferranThe Formentera Council has convened a meeting to inform residents of Sant Ferran about projects on the horizon this winter and other initiatives. The presentation is scheduled to take place Friday, November 3, at 7.30pm in the Sant Ferran seniors' centre (Centre de Majors).

At the event Council president Jaume Ferrer will be joined by the administration's senior councillors as residents are given a glimpse of upgrades —set to begin in November— across two of the town's thoroughfares, carrers Guillem de Montgrí and València.

Attendees will also get a look at the education, culture and patrimony department's relocation in the coming months to a street-level space on carrer Mallorca. The departments will sit alongside the Council's culture and environment office. A new punt de lectura, or reading space, is also scheduled to open shortly in a neighbouring locale.

Updates will likewise be given on the Govern balear's build of the new Sant Ferran primary school and nursery (escoleta), set to move forward now that the Council has issued building permits.

The changes, says Ferrer, aim to revamp Sant Ferran as “the island's cultural centre”. He added that when construction of the new school is completed, a project will begin to equip the former school grounds with a space for culture and the arts.