The Court of Palma obliges the UTE-Giref to continue providing waste transfer service


On 26 June 2013, the Contentious Administrative Court nº2 of Palma de Mallorca ruled against a petition filed by UTE-Giref – concession-holder of the contract for waste collection in Formentera – to suspend the waste transfer service from Formentera to the Ca Na Putxa rubbish tip.

The Formentera Council, as the body responsible for guaranteeing of the rights of the local population, will continue working with the other administrative bodies implicated in the matter (the Eivissa Council and the Govern Balear), and with the concession-holder for the service, to bring resolution to the issue.

The Council reaffirms its conviction that Formentera should not be held responsible for the cost overrun of the waste transfer to the island of Eivissa. Any action to the contrary would amount to discrimination in the services received by the population of Formentera.