Tuesday, 22 March 2016 19:50
Earlier today, the Formentera Council office of education launched a call for student aid and grant applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Department head Susana Labrador announced the Council's intention to build on their past momentum “by raising aid 6% compared to last year”. Labrador indicated the aid is aimed at “making textbooks more affordable for schools and students” and said the additional funding will go to “increased funding for travel costs and higher learning scholarships”.
Grant money for higher education
“The Council will provide €10,000 in €1,250 scholarships to Formentera residents in higher learning courses (university, fine arts, technical studies, professional fine arts, design, sports studies)”, Aguilera reported. Programmes of study must be degree-track and officially-recognised in all of Spain. Study grants will only be awarded to students of public, attendance-based programmes. Private schools will only be considered if the studies in question are not offered by any public establishment.
Travel aid
Aguilera also reported on a call for applicants for travel cost reimbursements, “open to students of higher learning, technical training programmes, postsecondary formal education and art programmes not conducted on the island of Formentera”. The Council will dedicate €38,000 for that kind of aid, split into chunks of €150 for students in Eivissa or in distance learning programmes and €450 euros for students who study away from the Pitiüsa islands.
Assistance for textbooks
Moreover, the administration will give €45,000 in assistance for textbook purchases. Councillor Aguilera said the money would be funneled toward two different areas—additions to reused textbook stocks in primary and secondary learning, and textbook purchases for individuals registered as residents on the island and enrolled in early childhood education in 2015-16.
More information
Notes on eligibility and required documentation is available at the Citizen's Information Office (OAC) at http://www.consellinsulardeformentera.cat/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=351&Itemid=437&lang=ca
Application deadline 25 April
For more information, all those interested can visit the department of culture, education and heritage of the Formentera Council. The deadline for application submissions is 25 April. As encouragement to potential applicants, Councillor Labrador noted that “last year, the Council handed out 90 travel grants, 7 higher learning grants and 45 textbook aid packages”.