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Formentera condemns Brussels attacks

Foto  minut silenci BrusellesToday at noon, CiF president Jaume Ferrer and councillors of both the governing and opposition parties were joined by Council employees and island residents for a minute of silence to express their grief following the attacks on Brussels yesterday, 22 March.

Speaking on behalf of the administration, Ferrer condemned the attacks, offered his condolences to the families of the victims and wished all the survivors a speedy recovery.

Waste drop-off point to stay open during Easter holiday

Porta deixalleriaThe Formentera deixalleria (waste drop-off point) will remain open Easter holiday week except Good Friday. The site serves as a collection and separation point for rubbish that is unsuitable for home pickup. It will open Maundy Thursday, Saturday and Monday for its morning hours of operation — nine in the morning to half past one. As environment councillor Daisee Aguilera reported, “We're aware that many on the island use the Easter holiday either to open shop or get ready for the season ahead. Hence the Council has asked the site's operator, Ferrovial, to remain open the coming days”.

The collection centre is located at the industrial park, between La Savina and Sant Francesc on the Sant Francesc-La Mola road, and has been in operation since May 2015. It is there that Formentera residents are requested to take any rubbish not fit for streetside bins. Normally, the centre is open mornings, Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., and afternoons, Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Eighth youth football tournament this weekend

Foto presentacio torneigSports councillor Jordi Vidal and Xicu Ferrer, the newly-appointed president of the island's football club (SD Formentera), came together today to announce details of this weekend's youth football (aleví) tournament. The sports trials will take place on the municipal pitch, and, according to Ferrer, organisers are predicting “some of the best youth players in the state”. Among the teams scheduled to take part are València CF, Vila-real, Mallorca, Betis, Málaga and hosts SD Formentera.

As the club's president reported, the initial qualifying rounds of play will get under way Saturday 26 March at ten a.m. The first and second semifinal matches will take place Sunday at ten and eleven, respectively, before the two highest classed teams square off at noon. The third and fourth highest ranked will go head to head at five p.m. and the final match is set for six o' clock that evening.

The sports councillor stressed the importance of the trials for local football and the high caliber of participating teams. He also seized the opportunity to wish the Formentera club's new president his best. For his part, the leader of the tournament's hosting team thanked the Formentera Council and Trasmapi, which helped cover travel costs between Eivissa and Formentera, for having made the event possible. Alex Marí, a representative from the Trasmapi transport company, was also in attendance at the morning presentation.

Council earmarks €93,000 for student grants

Foto RP ajudes estudiantsEarlier today, the Formentera Council office of education launched a call for student aid and grant applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Department head Susana Labrador announced the Council's intention to build on their past momentum “by raising aid 6% compared to last year”. Labrador indicated the aid is aimed at “making textbooks more affordable for schools and students” and said the additional funding will go to “increased funding for travel costs and higher learning scholarships”.

Grant money for higher education

“The Council will provide €10,000 in €1,250 scholarships to Formentera residents in higher learning courses (university, fine arts, technical studies, professional fine arts, design, sports studies)”, Aguilera reported. Programmes of study must be degree-track and officially-recognised in all of Spain. Study grants will only be awarded to students of public, attendance-based programmes. Private schools will only be considered if the studies in question are not offered by any public establishment.

Travel aid

Aguilera also reported on a call for applicants for travel cost reimbursements, “open to students of higher learning, technical training programmes, postsecondary formal education and art programmes not conducted on the island of Formentera”. The Council will dedicate €38,000 for that kind of aid, split into chunks of €150 for students in Eivissa or in distance learning programmes and €450 euros for students who study away from the Pitiüsa islands.

Assistance for textbooks

Moreover, the administration will give €45,000 in assistance for textbook purchases. Councillor Aguilera said the money would be funneled toward two different areas—additions to reused textbook stocks in primary and secondary learning, and textbook purchases for individuals registered as residents on the island and enrolled in early childhood education in 2015-16.

More information

Notes on eligibility and required documentation is available at the Citizen's Information Office (OAC) at http://www.consellinsulardeformentera.cat/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=351&Itemid=437&lang=ca

Application deadline 25 April

For more information, all those interested can visit the department of culture, education and heritage of the Formentera Council. The deadline for application submissions is 25 April. As encouragement to potential applicants, Councillor Labrador noted that “last year, the Council handed out 90 travel grants, 7 higher learning grants and 45 textbook aid packages”. 

Social welfare gets new van for at-home service

Vehicle Formentera 04.03.16From today, the Formentera Council department of social services, la Conselleria de Benestar Social, will add a new vehicle to its arsenal of service equipment. The van will be used by the Conselleria's home-visit service (SAD, for Servei d'Atenció a Domicili), a programme to boost individuals' personal autonomy. SAD is aimed at averting deteriorating health conditions and social alienation among  the programme's participants as well as promoting sound relationships  between them and their families and housemates.

L'Obra Social la Caixa, the social arm of CaixaBank, donated €12,400 to help with the purchase of the van, which SAD staff calls its most crucial tool.

Vanessa Parellada, Formentera's councillor of social welfare, met earlier today with Maria Belén Villalong, the director of CaixaBank's Eivissa-Formentera business unit, and Pep Marí Mayans, office manager at CaixaBank Sant Francesc Xavier, to make the donation official.  

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